General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 201D Health Care Proxies - Section 17 Disputes; court proceedings

Section 17. The health care provider, the conservator for, or guardian of the principal, members of the principal’s family, a close friend of the principal, or the commissioner of public health may commence a special proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction, with respect to any dispute arising under this chapter, including, but not limited to, a proceeding to:

(i) determine the validity of the health care proxy;

(ii) have the agent removed on the ground that the agent is not reasonably available, willing and competent to fulfill his or her obligations under this chapter or is acting in bad faith; or

(iii) override the agent’s decision about health care treatment on the grounds that: the decision was made in bad faith or the decision is not in accordance with the standards set forth in section five.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015