General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 91 Waterways - Section 59B Marinas; licensing by division of water pollution control; restrictions; term; renewal; fees

Section 59B. No marina shall be operated without a license issued by the division of water pollution control. Said division shall not issue any such license unless such marina provides (1) adequate facilities for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage or other sanitary waste, as said division may specify, including facilities for the purging out and cleaning of holding tanks, the contents of which shall be then disposed of in such manner as not to be discharged into or near any waters of the commonwealth, unless such discharge is to a municipal sewerage system or to an adequate sewage treatment or disposal facility approved by the division of water pollution control; (2) adequate and conveniently located dockside toilet facilities for the use of the occupants of watercraft; and (3) adequate and conveniently located trash receptacles or similar devices designed for the disposal of litter and refuse.

Any license issued under this section shall be for a term of one year and may be renewed annually. The fee for such annual license and for a renewal of such license shall be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015