Michigan Compiled Laws § 393.501 Short Title.

393.501 Short title.

Sec. 1.

This act shall be known and may be cited as the “deaf persons' interpreters act”.

History: 1982, Act 204, Imd. Eff. July 1, 1982

Compiler's Notes: For transfer of powers and duties of the commission on disability concerns established in Executive Order 1995-11 from the department of labor to the family independence agency, see E.R.O. No. 1996-2, compiled at MCL 445.2001 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.For transfer of powers and duties of division on deaf and hard of hearing and advisory council on deaf and hard of hearing from department of licensing and regulatory affairs to department of civil rights, see E.R.O. No. 2011-4, compiled at MCL 445.2030.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016