Michigan Compiled Laws § 490.207 Examination By Commissioner; Conduct; Report.

490.207 Examination by commissioner; conduct; report.

Sec. 207.

(1) The commissioner or his or her authorized agent shall examine the condition and affairs of each domestic credit union, and may examine the condition and affairs of any subsidiary of a domestic credit union, not less frequently than once every 18 months. The commissioner shall determine whether the domestic credit union transacts its business in the manner prescribed by law and the rules promulgated under law.

(2) In connection with an examination under subsection (1), the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized agent may examine under oath a director, officer, agent, or employee of a domestic credit union concerning the affairs and business of the domestic credit union. The commissioner or the commissioner's authorized agent may examine an affiliate of a domestic credit union if necessary to fully disclose the relation between the domestic credit union and the affiliate and the effect of the relation upon the domestic credit union.

(3) The commissioner may examine a branch or branches located in this state of a foreign credit union.

(4) In an examination under this section, the commissioner may use an examination made under the federal credit union act, chapter 750, 48 Stat. 1216, 12 U.S.C. 1751 to 1795k, any other federal law related to the chartering or insuring of financial institutions, or the law of another state governing the activities of foreign credit unions organized in or regulated by that state. The commissioner may require a credit union to furnish a copy of any report required by a federal or state credit union regulatory agency.

(5) The commissioner may contract with another state credit union regulatory agency to assist in the conduct of examinations of domestic credit unions with 1 or more branches located in that other state and in examinations of foreign credit unions with 1 or more branches located in this state.

(6) The contents of a report of examination of a domestic credit union and examination-related documents prepared or obtained under this section remain the property of the commissioner. A person who disseminates all or part of a domestic credit union's report of examination for purposes other than the legitimate business purposes of the domestic credit union or as otherwise authorized by this act violates this act and is subject to the administrative remedies granted the commissioner under this part.

History: 2003, Act 215, Eff. June 1, 2004

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Last modified: October 10, 2016