Michigan Compiled Laws § 791.220j Contract Resulting In Annual Savings; Employment Consideration.

791.220j Contract resulting in annual savings; employment consideration.

Sec. 20j.

(1) This act does not prohibit the department from contracting with an operator of a privately owned correctional facility to house and manage inmates under the jurisdiction of the department if the contract will result in an annual cost savings of at least 10% to the state. The department shall annually document and report the savings to the legislature.

(2) If the department contracts with a privately owned correctional facility, the contractor shall interview and consider for employment employees or former employees of the department who lose or reasonably expect to lose their position of employment with the department as a result of prison closures. The contractor shall also give consideration to the hiring of unemployed national guard and reserve officers and military personnel who are returning to this state following active deployment. This section does not create a property interest in employment.

History: Add. 2012, Act 599, Eff. Mar. 28, 2013
Popular Name: Department of Corrections Act

Section: Previous  791.214  791.215  791.216  791.217  791.218  791.219  791.220-791.220c  791.220d  791.220e  791.220f  791.220g  791.220h  791.220i  791.220j  

Last modified: October 10, 2016