Michigan Compiled Laws § 791.223 Assistant Director As Administrative Head; Powers And Duties; Forms For Reports By Probation Officers.

791.223 Assistant director as administrative head; powers and duties; forms for reports by probation officers.

Sec. 23.

The assistant director in charge of probation shall be the administrative head of the bureau of probation subject to the authority and supervision of the director of the department of corrections, and the commission. The assistant director shall exercise general supervision over the administration of probation in the circuit court and recorder's court of the state. The assistant director, with the approval of the director, shall appoint personnel other than probation officers necessary for the conduct of the bureau. The assistant director shall endeavor to secure the effective application of the probation system in all courts of the state and the enforcement of probation laws. The assistant director shall supervise the work of probation personnel and shall have access to all probation offices and records. The assistant director shall prescribe the form of records to be kept and reports to be made by probation personnel and shall promulgate general rules which shall regulate the procedure for the administration of probation, including investigation, supervision, case work, record keeping, and accounting. The assistant director shall collect and maintain a complete file of presentence investigations made by probation officers throughout the state. The assistant director shall collect, compile, and publish statistical and other information relating to probation work in all courts and other information of value in probation service. All probation officers shall submit the required reports to the department of corrections on forms to be prescribed and furnished by the department of corrections.

History: 1953, Act 232, Eff. Oct. 2, 1953 ;-- Am. 1979, Act 89, Eff. Apr. 1, 1980

Compiler's Notes: Sections 2, 3, and 4 of Act 210 of 1979 provide:“P.A. 1979, No. 89, section 4, amended; effective date.“Section 2. The enacting section of Act No. 89 of the Public Acts of 1979, is amended to read as follows:“Section 4. This amendatory act shall take effect April 1, 1980.“Effective date of P.A. 1979, Nos. 81 and 89, in certain counties; funds for probation services.“Section 3. The provisions of Act Nos. 81 and 89 of the Public Acts of 1979 shall not take effect in a county with a population of 1.5 million or more prior to a majority vote of the elected members of the county's board of commissioners to place the question of the creation of a charter commission under the terms of enacted Senate Bill No. 652 before the county electorate. Subsequent to the above action by the board of commissioners, funds appropriated for probation services for a county with a population of 1.5 million or more shall become immediately effective, and shall be retroactive to the extent of the funds provided.“Implementation of P.A. 1979, Nos. 81 and 89; effect of refusal to provide probation support costs.“Section 4. Implementation of Act Nos. 81 and 89 of the Public Acts of 1979 shall not be effective in counties which refuse to provide probation support costs as required in those acts.”
Popular Name: Department of Corrections Act
Admin Rule: R 791.1101 et seq. of the Michigan Administrative Code.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016