Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.200 - Procedure in Criminal Cases

Employer may request notice of information; requirements for making request.

1. In addition to any other information which an employer is authorized to request pursuant to this chapter, an employer may request from the Central Repository notice of information relating to the offenses listed in subsection 4 of NRS 179A.190 concerning an employee.

2. A request for notice of information relating to the offenses listed in subsection 4 of NRS 179A.190 from an employer must conform to the requirements of the Central Repository. The request must include:

(a) The name and address of the employer, and the name and signature of the person requesting the notice on behalf of the employer;

(b) The name and address of the employer�s facility in which the employee is employed or seeking to become employed;

(c) The name, a complete set of fingerprints and other identifying information of the employee;

(d) Signed consent by the employee authorizing:

(1) The employer to forward the fingerprints of the employee to the Central Repository for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its report;

(2) A search of information relating to the offenses listed in subsection 4 of NRS 179A.190 concerning the employee; and

(3) The release of a notice concerning that information;

(e) The mailing address of the employee or a signed waiver of the right of the employee to be sent a copy of the information disseminated to the employer as a result of the search of the records of criminal history; and

(f) The signature of the employee indicating that he has been notified of:

(1) The types of information for which notice is subject to dissemination pursuant to NRS 179A.210, or a description of the information;

(2) The employer�s right to require a check of the records of criminal history as a condition of employment; and

(3) The employee�s right, pursuant to NRS 179A.150, to challenge the accuracy or sufficiency of any information disseminated to the employer.

Last modified: February 25, 2006