Nevada Revised Statutes - Procedure in Criminal Cases

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.015

Short title. This title may be known and cited as the Nevada Criminal Procedure Law. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.025


1. This title governs the procedure in the courts of the State of Nevada and before magistrates in all criminal proceedings.

2. Except as otherwise provided in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.035

Purpose; construction. This title is intended to provide for the just determination of every criminal proceeding. Its provisions shall be construed to secure simplicity in procedure, fairness in administration and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.045

Definitions. As used in this title, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 169.049 to 169.205, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.049

�Case in chief of the defendant� defined. �Case in chief of the defendant� means the first opportunity of the defendant to present evidence after the close of the case in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.055

�Criminal action� defined. �Criminal action� means the proceedings by which a party charged with a public offense is accused and brought to trial and punishment. A criminal action is prosecuted ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.065

�Defendant� defined. �Defendant� means the party prosecuted in a criminal action. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.075

�District attorney� defined. �District attorney� includes any deputy district attorney. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.085

�Law� defined. �Law� includes statutes and judicial decisions. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.095

�Magistrate� defined. �Magistrate� means an officer having power to issue a warrant for the arrest of a person charged with a public offense and includes:

1. Justices of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.097

�Master� defined. �Master� means a person appointed by the district court to inform defendants of their rights, assign counsel for indigent defendants and perform other similar administrative duties assigned by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.105

�Month� defined. �Month� means a calendar month unless otherwise expressed. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.115

�Oath� defined. �Oath� includes an affirmation. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.125

�Peace officer� defined. �Peace officer� includes any person upon whom some or all of the powers of a peace officer are conferred pursuant to NRS 289.150 to 289.360, inclusive. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.145

�Personal property� defined. �Personal property� includes money, goods, chattels, things in action and evidences of debt. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.155

�Property� defined. �Property� includes both real and personal property. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.164

�Public officer� defined. �Public officer� means a person elected or appointed to a position which:

1. Is established by the constitution or a statute of this State, or by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.175

�Real property� defined. �Real property� is coextensive with lands, tenements and hereditaments. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.185

�State� defined. �State,� when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.195

�Trial� defined.

1. �Trial� means that portion of a criminal action which:

(a) If a jury is used, begins with the impaneling of the jury and ends with ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.205

�United States� defined. �United States� may include the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, territories or insular possessions. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.215


1. Writing includes printing and typewriting.

2. Every mode of oral statement, under oath or affirmation, is embraced by the term �testify,� and every written one in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.225

Signature by mark. When a signature of a person is required by this title, the mark of a person, if he cannot write, shall be deemed sufficient, the name of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.235

Superseding of criminal law no bar to punishment unless specifically expressed. The superseding of any law creating a criminal offense shall not be held to constitute a bar to the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 169.245

Bonds and undertakings in criminal actions or proceedings: Approval by clerk.

1. In all criminal actions or proceedings where a bond or other undertaking is required by the provisions ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.040

Intervention of officers of justice by requiring surety to keep peace. Public offenses may be prevented by the intervention of the officers of justice by requiring surety to keep the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.060

Complaint for threatening offense against person or property; may be filed in municipal court.

1. A complaint may be filed and warrant issued, as in other criminal cases, for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.070

Trial as in criminal cases. When the person complained of is brought before the justice of the peace or magistrate, the trial on the charge shall proceed as in other ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.080

Person complained of: When to be discharged. If it appears that there is no just reason to fear the commission of the offense alleged to have been threatened, the person ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.090

Security to keep peace.

1. If, however, there is a just reason to fear the commission of the offense, the person complained of may be required to enter into ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.100

Effect of giving or refusing to give security.

1. If the bond required by NRS 170.090 is given, the person complained of shall be discharged.

2. If he ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.110

Person committed may give security later. If the person complained of is committed for not giving the bond required, he may be discharged by any magistrate upon giving the same. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.120

Bond to be filed. A bond given, as provided in NRS 170.090, must be filed by the magistrate in the office of the clerk of the county. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.130

Breach of peace before magistrate; when security required. Any person who, in the presence of a court or magistrate, assaults or threatens to assault another or to commit any offense ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.140

Bond to keep peace: When broken. A bond to keep the peace must be deemed broken when the person complained against is convicted of a breach of the peace. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.150

Bond to keep peace: When and how prosecuted. Upon the district attorney�s producing evidence of such conviction to the district court of the county, the court must order the bond ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.160

Allegation and evidence of breach. In the action, the offense stated in the record of conviction must be alleged as the breach of the bond, and such record is conclusive ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 170.170

Security for peace or good behavior not required except in accordance with this chapter. No security to keep the peace, or to be of good behavior, is required except as ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.010

Jurisdiction of offense committed in State. Every person, whether an inhabitant of this state, or any other state, or of a territory or district of the United States, is liable ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.015

Jurisdiction of offense commenced without, but consummated within, this state; consummation through agent. When the commission of a public offense, commenced without the State, is consummated within its boundaries, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.020

Act within this state culminating in crime in this or another state. Whenever a person, with intent to commit a crime, does any act within this state in execution or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.025

Death by dueling. When an inhabitant or resident of this state, by previous appointment or engagement, fights a duel or is concerned as second therein, out of the jurisdiction of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.030

Offense committed partly in one county and partly in another. When a public offense is committed in part in one county and in part in another or the acts or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.035

Offense committed on or near boundary. When an offense is committed on the boundary of two or more counties, or within 500 yards thereof, the venue is in either county. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.040

Offense committed on vessel in state waters, common carrier or private motor vehicle or aircraft. When an offense is committed in this state:

1. On board a vessel navigating ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.045

Offenses concerning animals ranging in two or more counties. When a public offense concerns any neat cattle, horse, mule or other animal running at large upon any range which extends ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.055

Bigamy and incest. When the offense, either of bigamy or incest, is committed in one county and the defendant is apprehended in another, the venue is in either county. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.060

Burglary, robbery, larceny or embezzlement: Venue when property is taken in one county and brought into another. When property taken in one county by burglary, robbery, larceny or embezzlement has ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.065

Accessory: Venue in either county where offense of accessory was committed or where principal offense committed. In the case of an accessory in the commission of a public offense, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.070

Conviction or acquittal in another state, territory or country is bar where jurisdiction is concurrent. When an act charged as a public offense is within the jurisdiction of another state, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.075

Conviction or acquittal in another county is bar where venue is concurrent. When an offense is within the venue of two or more counties, a conviction or acquittal thereof in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.076

Enactment. The California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on Interstate Waters, set forth in full in NRS 171.077, is hereby enacted into law. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.077

Text of Compact. The California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on Interstate Waters is as follows:

1. The Legislature finds that law enforcement has been impaired in sections of Lake Tahoe ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.078

Enactment. The Interstate Compact for Jurisdiction on the Colorado River, set forth in full in NRS 171.079, is hereby enacted into law. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.079

Text of Compact. The Interstate Compact for Jurisdiction on the Colorado River is as follows:

1. The legislature finds that law enforcement has been impaired in sections of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.080

No statute of limitation for murder or terrorism. There is no limitation of the time within which a prosecution for:

1. Murder must be commenced. It may be commenced ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.083

No limitation for sexual assault if written report filed with law enforcement officer during period of limitation; effect of disability on period of limitation.

1. If, at any time ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.084

Limitation for kidnapping or attempted murder extended if written report filed with law enforcement officer during period of limitation.

1. If, at any time during the period of limitation ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.085

Limitations for felonies. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 171.083, 171.084 and 171.095, an indictment for:

1. Theft, robbery, burglary, forgery, arson, sexual assault or a violation of NRS ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.090

Limitations for gross and simple misdemeanors. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 171.095 and 202.885, an indictment for:

1. A gross misdemeanor must be found, or an information or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.095

Limitations for offenses committed in secret manner and offenses constituting sexual abuse of child.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and NRS 171.083 and 171.084:

(a) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.100

Indictment found when it is presented and filed. An indictment is found, within the meaning of this chapter, when it is presented by the grand jury in open court, and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.102

Complaint defined; oath or declaration required. The complaint is a written statement of the essential facts constituting the public offense charged. It must be made upon:

1. Oath before ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.103

Court clerk may accept complaint filed electronically; procedure; service.

1. A court clerk may accept a complaint filed pursuant to this chapter that is filed electronically. A complaint that ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.104

Arrest defined; by whom made. An arrest is the taking of a person into custody, in a case and in the manner authorized by law. An arrest may be made ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.106

Issuance of warrant or summons upon complaint or citation. If it appears from the complaint or a citation issued pursuant to NRS 484.795, 488.920 or 501.386, or from an affidavit ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.108

Contents of warrant of arrest. The warrant of arrest is an order in writing in the name of the State of Nevada which shall:

1. Be signed by the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.112

Contents of summons. The summons shall be in the same form as the warrant except that it shall summon the defendant to appear before a magistrate at a stated time ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.114

Execution of warrant and service of summons: By whom. The warrant shall be directed to and executed by a peace officer. The summons may be served by any person authorized ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.116

When magistrate may depute a person to act as constable. A magistrate may depute in writing any suitable and discreet person to act as constable when no constable is at ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.118

Execution of warrant and service of summons: Territorial limits. The warrant may be executed or the summons may be served at any place within the jurisdiction of the State of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.122

Manner in which execution of warrant and service of summons are made; issuance of citation in lieu of execution of warrant of arrest.

1. Except as otherwise provided in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1223

Peace officer with limited jurisdiction must notify primary law enforcement agency of commission of certain felonies; transfer of investigation to primary law enforcement agency.

1. Except as otherwise provided ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1225

Peace officer to provide information to suspected victims of domestic violence.

1. When investigating an act of domestic violence, a peace officer shall:

(a) Make a good faith ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1227

Peace officer to submit written report concerning suspected acts of domestic violence; copy of report to be forwarded to Central Repository.

1. If a peace officer investigates an act ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1229

Fingerprinting of persons detained and cited for committing suspected acts of domestic violence; fingerprints to be forwarded to Central Repository. If a peace officer:

1. Detains a person for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.123

Temporary detention by peace officer of person suspected of criminal behavior or of violating conditions of parole or probation: Limitations.

1. Any peace officer may detain any person whom ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1231

Arrest if probable cause appears. At any time after the onset of the detention pursuant to NRS 171.123, the person so detained shall be arrested if probable cause for an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1232

Search to ascertain presence of dangerous weapon; seizure of weapon or evidence.

1. If any peace officer reasonably believes that any person whom he has detained or is about ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1235

Gaming licensee may detain person suspected of having committed felony in gaming establishment.

1. As used in this section:

(a) �Establishment� means any premises whereon any gaming is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.124

Arrest by peace officer or officer of Drug Enforcement Administration.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3 and NRS 33.070 and 33.320, a peace officer or an officer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1245

Arrest by agent of Federal Bureau of Investigation or Secret Service. An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or Secret Service may, without a warrant, arrest a person:


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1255

Arrest by officer or agent of Bureau of Indian Affairs or police officer employed by Indian tribe.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, an officer or agent ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.126

Arrest by private person. A private person may arrest another:

1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence.

2. When the person arrested has committed ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.128

Magistrate may order arrest for offense in presence. A magistrate may orally order a peace officer or private person to arrest anyone committing or attempting to commit a public offense ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.132

Person making arrest may summon assistance. Any person making an arrest may orally summon as many persons as he deems necessary to aid him therein. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.134

Escape or rescue of arrested person: Pursuit and retaking at any time and place in State. If a person arrested escapes or is rescued, the person from whose custody he ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.136

When arrest may be made.

1. If the offense charged is a felony or gross misdemeanor, the arrest may be made on any day, and at any time of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.137

Arrest required for suspected battery constituting domestic violence; exceptions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, whether or not a warrant has been issued, a peace officer shall, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.138

Breaking open door or window: Making arrest. To make an arrest, a private person, if the offense is a felony, and in all cases a peace officer, may break open ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.142

Breaking open door or window: Upon detention after making arrest. Any person who has entered a house, structure or other place of concealment to make an arrest may break open ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.144

Breaking open door or window: Retaking person arrested. To retake a person arrested who has escaped or been rescued, the person pursuing may break open an outer or inner door ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1455

Use of deadly force to effect arrest: Limitations. If necessary to prevent escape, an officer may, after giving a warning, if feasible, use deadly force to effect the arrest of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.146

Weapon may be taken from person arrested. Any person making an arrest may take from the person arrested all dangerous and offensive weapons which he may have about his person. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.147

Duties of arresting officer where person arrested appears to be intoxicated or not in control of his physical functions.

1. Every peace officer shall, when arresting any person who ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.148

Warrant of arrest by telegram authorized.

1. A warrant of arrest may be transmitted by telegram. A copy of a warrant transmitted by telegram may be sent to one ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.152

Return of warrant after execution by arrest or issuance of citation; return of summons after service; cancellation by district attorney before execution or service; reissuance.

1. The peace officer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.153

Right of person arrested to make telephone calls.

1. Any person arrested has the right to make a reasonable number of completed telephone calls from the police station or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1536

Arrest of handicapped person: Interpreter to be made available. [Effective through June 30, 2005.] Upon the arrest of a handicapped person as defined in NRS 50.050, and before his interrogation ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1536

Arrest of person with disability: Interpreter to be made available. [Effective July 1, 2005.] Upon the arrest of a person with a disability as defined in NRS 50.050, and before ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1537

Arrest of handicapped person: Right to communicate by mail or telephone. [Effective through June 30, 2005.] When a handicapped person is detained in custody, the detaining authority shall make available ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1537

Arrest of person with disability: Right to communicate by mail or telephone. [Effective July 1, 2005.] When a person with a disability is detained in custody, the detaining authority shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1538

Arrest of handicapped person: Waiver of right to interpretation or communication. [Effective through June 30, 2005.]

1. The rights to interpretation and communication provided in NRS 171.1536 and 171.1537 ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1538

Arrest of person with disability: Waiver of right to interpretation or communication. [Effective July 1, 2005.]

1. The rights to interpretation and communication provided in NRS 171.1536 and 171.1537 ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.154

Short title. NRS 171.154 to 171.164, inclusive, may be cited as the Uniform Act on Interstate Fresh Pursuit. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.156

Definitions. As used in NRS 171.154 to 171.164, inclusive, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires:

1. �Fresh pursuit� includes fresh pursuit as defined by the common law ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.158

Arrests within this State by foreign officers; hearing before magistrate.

1. Any member of a duly organized state, county or municipal peace unit of another state of the United ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.162

Duty of Secretary of State. On March 4, 1955, the Secretary of State shall certify a copy of NRS 171.154 to 171.164, inclusive, to the executive department of each of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.164

Severability. If any part of NRS 171.154 to 171.164, inclusive, is for any reason declared void, it is declared to be the intent of NRS 171.154 to 171.164, inclusive, that ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.166

Short title. NRS 171.166 to 171.176, inclusive, may be cited as the Uniform Act on Intrastate Fresh Pursuit. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.168

Definitions. �Fresh pursuit� as used in NRS 171.166 to 171.176, inclusive, shall include fresh pursuit as defined by the common law and also the pursuit of a person who has ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.172

When officer may arrest. Any peace officer of this state in fresh pursuit of a person who is reasonably believed by him to have committed a felony in this state ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.174

Procedure after arrest. If such an arrest is made in obedience to a warrant, the disposition of the prisoner shall be as in other cases of arrest under a warrant. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.176

Limitation. NRS 171.172 shall not make unlawful an arrest which would otherwise be lawful. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.177

When person detained must be taken before magistrate. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 171.122 and 171.178, whenever any person is detained by a peace officer for any violation of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1771

Issuance of citation when person detained by peace officer. Whenever any person is detained by a peace officer for any violation of a county, city or town ordinance or a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1772

Issuance of citation after arrest by private person. Whenever any person is arrested by a private person, as provided in NRS 171.126, for any violation of a county, city or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1773

Form and contents of citation: When person detained by peace officer.

1. Whenever a person is detained by a peace officer for any violation of a county, city or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1774

Form and contents of citation: When issued after arrest by private person.

1. In those instances described in NRS 171.1772, the peace officer summoned after the arrest shall prepare ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1775

Preparation of citations: Use of citation book or electronic device; maintenance of records relating to citation book or electronic device.

1. Every county, city or town law enforcement agency ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.17751

Designation of certain state, county and city officers to prepare, sign and serve citations.

1. Any board of county commissioners or governing body of a city may designate the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1776

Issued citations: Filing with court; disposition of charges by court; unlawful acts; maintenance of records.

1. Every peace officer upon issuing a misdemeanor citation, pursuant to NRS 171.177 to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1777

Issued citations: Audit of records. Every record of misdemeanor citations required by NRS 171.177 to 171.1779, inclusive, shall be audited at least semiannually by the appropriate fiscal officer of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1778

Citation filed with court deemed complaint for purpose of prosecution. If the form of citation:

1. Includes information whose truthfulness is attested as required for a complaint charging commission ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.17785

Unlawful to violate written promise to appear; appearance by counsel in lieu of personal appearance; issuance of warrant upon failure to appear.

1. It is unlawful for a person ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1779

NRS 171.177 to 171.1779, inclusive, not applicable to violations of traffic laws. The provisions of NRS 171.177 to 171.1779, inclusive, do not apply to those situations in which a person ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.178

Appearance before magistrate; release from custody by arresting officer.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 5 and 6, a peace officer making an arrest under a warrant issued ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.182

Proceedings before another magistrate. If the defendant is brought before a magistrate in the same county, other than the one who issued the warrant, the affidavits and depositions on which ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.184

Proceedings upon complaint for offenses triable in another county.

1. When a complaint is laid before a magistrate of the commission of a public offense triable in another county ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1845

Proceedings upon discovery of another arrest warrant outstanding in another county.

1. If a person is brought before a magistrate under the provisions of NRS 171.178 or 171.184, and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.186

Rights of defendant before preliminary examination. The magistrate or master shall inform the defendant of the complaint against him and of any affidavit filed therewith, of his right to retain ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.188

Procedure for appointment of attorney for indigent defendant.

1. Any defendant charged with a public offense who is an indigent may, by oral statement to the district judge, justice ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.192

Certification of bail; discharge of defendant. On admitting the defendant to bail, the magistrate shall certify on the warrant the fact of his having done so, and deliver the warrant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.194

Procedure when arrest for capital offense. The defendant, when arrested under a warrant for a capital offense, must be held in custody by the sheriff of the county in which ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.196

Preliminary examination: Waiver; time for conducting; postponement; introduction of evidence and cross-examination of witnesses by defendant.

1. If an offense is not triable in the justice�s court, the defendant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1965

Discovery by defendant before preliminary examination; material subject to discovery; effect of failure to permit discovery.

1. Not less than 2 judicial days before a preliminary examination, the prosecuting ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.197

Use of affidavit at preliminary examination: When permitted; notice by district attorney; circumstances under which district attorney must produce person who signed affidavit; continuances.

1. If a witness resides ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.1975

Use of audiovisual technology to present live testimony at preliminary examination: When permitted; notice by requesting party; opportunity to object; requirements for taking and preserving testimony; limitations on subsequent use.

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.198

Reporting testimony of witnesses.

1. The magistrate shall employ a certified court reporter to take down all the testimony and the proceedings on the hearing or examination, and within ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.202

District attorney to prosecute at preliminary examination where felony or gross misdemeanor charged. The district attorney of the proper county shall be present at and conduct the prosecution in all ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.204

Exclusion of persons; exceptions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the magistrate may, if good cause is shown and upon the request of any party or on ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.206

Procedure following preliminary examination. If from the evidence it appears to the magistrate that there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and that the defendant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 171.208

Remand for preliminary examination. If a preliminary examination has not been had and the defendant has not unconditionally waived the examination, the district court may for good cause shown at ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.005

Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. An indictment is an accusation in writing, presented by a grand jury to a competent court, charging ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.015

Prosecution of public offenses. Every public offense must be prosecuted by indictment or information, except:

1. Where proceedings are had for the removal of a civil officer.

2. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.025

Prosecution by accusation. When proceedings are had for the removal of district, county, municipal or township officers, they may be commenced by accusation, in writing, as provided in chapter 283 ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.035

Accusations, indictments and informations to be found or filed in district court. All accusations, informations and indictments against district, county, municipal and township officers must be found or filed in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.045

Impaneling grand juries. Grand juries shall be impaneled as provided in chapter 6 of NRS. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.047

Grand jury impaneled for specific limited purpose. A district judge may impanel a grand jury to inquire into a specific limited matter among those set forth in NRS 172.175. In ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.055

Challenges to grand jury and to grand jurors: How made and tried. The district attorney or a defendant who has been held to answer in the district court may challenge ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.065

Motion to dismiss presentment or indictment based on objections to grand jurors. A motion to dismiss the presentment or indictment may be based on objections to the array or on ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.075

Officers of grand jury. The jury shall elect one of its members to be foreman, another to be deputy foreman and a third to be secretary. The foreman shall have ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.085

Oath of grand jurors. The following oath must be administered to the grand jury:

You, as grand jurors, will diligently inquire into, and true presentment make, of all ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.095

Charges to be given to grand jury by court; district attorney to inform grand jury of specific elements of public offense considered as basis of indictment.

1. The grand ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.097

Supervision of grand jury by impaneling judge; limitations on and review of expenditures; monthly statement by county treasurer.

1. The district judge impaneling a grand jury shall supervise its ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.105

Powers. The grand jury may inquire into all public offenses triable in the district court or in a justice�s court, committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the district court for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.107

Limitations on use of grand jury. A district attorney shall not use a grand jury to discover tangible, documentary or testimonial evidence to assist in the prosecution of a defendant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.135

Evidence receivable before grand jury.

1. In the investigation of a charge, for the purpose of either presentment or indictment, the grand jury can receive no other evidence than ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.137

Use of affidavit before grand jury: When permitted; notice by district attorney; circumstances under which district attorney must produce person who signed affidavit; continuances.

1. If a witness resides ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.138

Use of audiovisual technology to present live testimony before grand jury: When permitted; requirements for taking and preserving testimony; limitations on subsequent use.

1. If a witness resides more ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.139

District attorney and grand jury prohibited from questioning attorney regarding matters he learned for client or issuing subpoena for work done by attorney for client. During a grand jury proceeding, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.145

Grand jury required to hear and district attorney required to submit known evidence which will explain away charge; invitations and issuance of process for witnesses.

1. The grand jury ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.155

Degree of evidence to warrant indictment; objection.

1. The grand jury ought to find an indictment when all the evidence before them, taken together, establishes probable cause to believe ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.165

Grand juror must declare knowledge as to commission of public offense; investigation. If a member of the grand jury knows or has reason to believe that a public offense has ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.175

Matters into which grand jury shall and may inquire.

1. Each grand jury that is not impaneled for a specific limited purpose shall inquire into:

(a) The case ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.185

Grand jury entitled to enter jails and examine records. The grand jury shall be entitled to free access, at all reasonable times, to all public prisons and to the examination ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.195

Issuance of subpoenas by grand jury; subpoenaed witnesses must be informed of general nature of inquiry.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 172.139, the grand jury may issue ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.197

Procedure when person subpoenaed to appear before grand jury intends to assert his constitutional privilege against self-incrimination.

1. If a person who has been subpoenaed to appear before a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.205

Power to engage services of skilled persons. The grand jury shall have the power, with the consent of the board of county commissioners, to engage the services of an attorney ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.215

Certified court reporter: Appointment; compensation; material required for and prohibited from inclusion in notes.

1. Whenever criminal causes are being investigated by the grand jury, it shall appoint a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.225

Transcripts: Preparation; public record.

1. If an indictment has been found or accusation presented against a defendant, the stenographic reporter shall certify and file with the county clerk an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.235

Who may be present when grand jury is in session.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the following persons may be present while the grand jury is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.239

Legal counsel for certain persons who appear before grand jury.

1. A person whose indictment the district attorney intends to seek or the grand jury on its own motion ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.241

Right of certain persons to appear before grand jury; notice of consideration of indictment; withholding of notice.

1. A person whose indictment the district attorney intends to seek or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.245

Secrecy of proceedings of grand jury; permitted disclosures; penalty.

1. The disclosure of:

(a) Evidence presented to the grand jury;

(b) Information obtained by the grand jury;

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.255

Finding and return of presentment or indictment; effect of failure to indict.

1. A presentment or indictment may be found only upon the concurrence of 12 or more jurors.

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.259

Publication of fact that no indictment was issued by grand jury. After a grand jury investigation is concluded:

1. A person who was the subject of the investigation but ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.265

Names of witnesses inserted or endorsed at foot of indictment. When an indictment is found, the names of the witnesses examined before the grand jury shall be inserted at the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.267

Report of grand jury: Scope; purpose; limitations.

1. A grand jury may issue a report concerning a matter into which it may lawfully inquire.

2. The report must ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.269

Report of grand jury: Inclusion of recommendations to public officers or agencies; criticism must be constructive; positive statement of no indictable activity required, if applicable. A grand jury may include ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.271

Report of grand jury: Preliminary review by court; notification of identified persons; procedure to expunge improper material; filing and distribution.

1. The grand jury shall submit a draft of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.275

Discharge of grand jury; discharge or excuse of juror.

1. A grand jury shall serve until discharged by the court and may be so discharged at any time after ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.285

Warrant on presentment.

1. If the court deems that the facts stated in a presentment constitute a public offense triable:

(a) In the district court of the county, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.295

Review by person of his own prior testimony before he testifies before grand jury again. A person who:

1. Is called to testify before a grand jury; and


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 172.305

Failure to disclose subject of grand jury�s inquiry to defendant not cause for dismissal of subsequent presentment or indictment. A presentment or indictment may not be dismissed on the ground ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.015

First pleading by State. The first pleading on the part of the State is the indictment or information. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.025

Courts may act upon information for all offenses. The several courts of this state shall have and may exercise the same power and jurisdiction to try and determine prosecutions upon ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.035

Information may be filed following preliminary examination when accused is bound over or when preliminary examination is waived; when information is filed on affidavit; limitation of time; amended information may ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.045

District attorney or Attorney General to be informant; endorsement of names of witnesses; affidavits.

1. All informations must be filed in the court having jurisdiction of the offenses specified ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.049

Court clerk may accept information filed electronically; procedure; service.

1. A court clerk may accept an information filed pursuant to this chapter that is filed electronically. An information that ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.055

Duties of district attorney or Attorney General; written statement containing reasons why information not filed.

1. The Attorney General when acting pursuant to a specific statute or the district ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.065

Judge may require Attorney General to prosecute if district attorney refuses. The judge of the court having jurisdiction may in extreme cases, upon affidavit filed with him of the commission ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.075

Nature and contents generally.

1. The indictment or the information must be a plain, concise and definite written statement of the essential facts constituting the offense charged. It must ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.085

Surplusage. The court on motion of the defendant may strike surplusage from the indictment or information. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.095

Amendment; notice of habitual criminality, habitually fraudulent felon or habitual felon.

1. The court may permit an indictment or information to be amended at any time before verdict or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.105

Charging defendant by fictitious or erroneous name: Insertion of true name. When a defendant is charged by a fictitious or erroneous name, and in any stage of the proceedings his ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.115

Joinder of offenses. Two or more offenses may be charged in the same indictment or information in a separate count for each offense if the offenses charged, whether felonies or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.125

Prosecution not required to elect between different offenses or counts; plea of guilty to one offense does not preclude prosecution for other offenses. The prosecution is not required to elect ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.135

Joinder of defendants. Two or more defendants may be charged in the same indictment or information if they are alleged to have participated in the same act or transaction or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.145

Issuance of warrant or summons.

1. Upon the request of the Attorney General acting pursuant to a specific statute or the district attorney, the court shall issue a warrant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.155

Form of warrant; fixing and endorsement of amount of bail. The form of the warrant shall be as provided in NRS 171.108 except that it shall be signed by the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.165

Manner of proceeding on giving bail in another county. If the offense charged in the warrant is bailable, and the defendant is arrested in another county, the officer must, upon ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.175

Ordering defendant charged with felony into custody unless increased bail is given. When the indictment or information is for a felony and the defendant before the filing thereof has given ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.185

Form of summons. The summons shall be in the same form as the warrant except that it shall summon the defendant to appear before the court at a stated time ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.195

Execution of warrant and service of summons. The warrant shall be executed or the summons served as provided in NRS 171.114, 171.118 and 171.122. A summons to a corporation shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 173.205

Return of warrant and summons; reissuance.

1. The peace officer executing a warrant shall make return thereof to the court. At the request of the Attorney General acting pursuant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.015

Conduct of arraignment.

1. Arraignment shall be conducted in open court and shall consist of reading the indictment or information to the defendant or stating to him the substance ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.025

Proceedings respecting name of defendant; entry of true name in minutes; subsequent proceedings in true name. When the defendant is arraigned, he must be informed that if the name by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.035

Types of pleas; procedure for entering plea.

1. A defendant may plead not guilty, guilty or, with the consent of the court, nolo contendere. The court may refuse to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.041

Plea of guilty but mentally ill: Hearing; examination of defendant and testimony; plea is not defense to offense charged; acceptance of plea. Repealed. (See chapter 284, Statutes of Nevada 2003, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.055

Proceedings on plea of guilty in justice�s court. In the justice�s court, if the defendant pleads guilty, the court may, before entering such a plea or pronouncing judgment, examine witnesses ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.061

Plea bargaining: General requirements; prohibited agreements.

1. If a prosecuting attorney enters into an agreement with a defendant in which the defendant agrees to testify against another defendant in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.063

Written plea agreement for plea of guilty: Form; content.

1. If a plea of guilty is made in a written plea agreement, the agreement must be substantially in the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.065

When plea may specify degree of crime or punishment. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 174.061:

1. On a plea of guilty to an information or indictment accusing a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.075

Pleadings and motions.

1. Pleadings in criminal proceedings are the indictment, the information and, in justice�s court, the complaint, and the pleas of guilty, not guilty and nolo contendere.

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.085

Proceedings not constituting acquittal; effect of acquittal on merits; proceedings constituting bar to another prosecution; retrial after discharge of jury; effect of voluntary dismissal.

1. If a defendant was ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.095

Defenses and objections which may be raised by motion. Any defense or objection which is capable of determination without the trial of the general issue may be raised before trial ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.098

Motion to declare that defendant is mentally retarded: When authorized; procedure.

1. A defendant who is charged with murder of the first degree in a case in which the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.105

Defenses and objections which must be raised by motion.

1. Defenses and objections based on defects in the institution of the prosecution, other than insufficiency of the evidence to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.115

Time of making motion. The motion shall be made before the plea is entered, but the court may permit it to be made within a reasonable time thereafter. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.125

Certain motions required to be made before trial.

1. All motions in a criminal prosecution to suppress evidence, for a transcript of former proceedings, for a preliminary hearing, for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.135

Hearing on motion.

1. A motion before trial raising defenses or objections shall be determined before trial unless the court orders that it be deferred for determination at the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.145

Effect of determination.

1. If a motion is determined adversely to the defendant he shall be permitted to plead if he had not previously pleaded. A plea previously entered ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.155

Trial together of indictments or informations. The court may order two or more indictments or informations or both to be tried together if the offenses, and the defendants if there ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.165

Relief from prejudicial joinder.

1. If it appears that a defendant or the State of Nevada is prejudiced by a joinder of offenses or of defendants in an indictment ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.171

Applicability. The provisions of NRS 174.171 to 174.225, inclusive, do not apply to a deposition taken pursuant to NRS 174.227 or used pursuant to NRS 174.228, or both. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.175

When taken.

1. If it appears that a prospective witness may be unable to attend or prevented from attending a trial or hearing, that his testimony is material and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.185

Notice of taking. The party at whose instance a deposition is to be taken shall give to every other party reasonable written notice of the time and place for taking ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.195

Defendant�s counsel and payment of expenses. If a defendant is without counsel the court shall advise him of his right and assign counsel to represent him unless the defendant elects ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.205

How taken. A deposition shall be taken in the manner provided in civil actions. The court at the request of a defendant may direct that a deposition be taken on ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.215

Use of deposition.

1. At the trial or upon any hearing, a part or all of a deposition, so far as otherwise admissible under the rules of evidence, may ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.225

Objections to admissibility. Objections to receiving in evidence a deposition or part thereof may be made as provided in civil actions. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.227

Videotaped depositions: Order of court; notice to parties; cross-examination; use.

1. A court on its own motion or on the motion of the district attorney may, for good cause ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.228

Videotaped depositions: Use. A court may allow a videotaped deposition to be used instead of the deponent�s testimony at trial only if:

1. In the case of a victim ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.229

Videotaped testimony. If a prospective witness who is scheduled to testify before a grand jury or at a preliminary hearing is less than 14 years of age, the court shall, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.231 Effect of NRS 174.227, 174.228 and 174.229. The provisions of NRS 174.227, 174.228 and 174.229 do not preclude:

1. The submission of videotaped depositions or testimony which are otherwise admissible as evidence in court.

2. A victim or prospective witness from testifying at a proceeding without the use of his videotaped deposition or testimony.


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.233

Disclosure by defendant of intent to claim alibi; defendant to disclose list of alibi witnesses; prosecuting attorney to disclose list of rebuttal witnesses; continuing duty to disclose; sanctions.

1. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.234

Reciprocal disclosure of lists of witnesses and information relating to expert testimony; continuing duty to disclose; protective orders; sanctions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, not ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.235

Disclosure by prosecuting attorney of evidence relating to prosecution; limitations.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 174.233 to 174.295, inclusive, at the request of a defendant, the prosecuting ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.245

Disclosure by defendant of evidence relating to defense; limitations.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 174.233 to 174.295, inclusive, at the request of the prosecuting attorney, the defendant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.275

Protective orders. Upon a sufficient showing, the court may at any time order that discovery or inspection pursuant to NRS 174.234 to 174.295, inclusive, be denied, restricted or deferred, or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.285

Time limits.

1. A request made pursuant to NRS 174.235 or 174.245 may be made only within 30 days after arraignment or at such reasonable later time as the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.295

Continuing duty to disclose; failure to comply; sanctions.

1. If, after complying with the provisions of NRS 174.235 to 174.295, inclusive, and before or during trial, a party discovers ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.305

Subpoena for attendance of witnesses; form; issuance. Except as provided in NRS 172.195 and 174.315:

1. A subpoena must be issued by the clerk under the seal of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.315

Issuance of subpoena by prosecuting attorney or attorney for defendant; promise to appear; informing witness of general nature of grand jury�s inquiry.

1. The prosecuting attorney may issue subpoenas ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.325

Production of prisoner as witness.

1. When it is necessary to have a person imprisoned in the state prison brought before any district court, or a person imprisoned in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.335

Subpoena for production of documentary evidence and of objects.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 172.139, a subpoena may also command the person to whom it is directed ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.345

Service of subpoena.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 174.315 and subsection 2, a subpoena may be served by a peace officer or by any other person who ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.365

Place of service. A subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness at a hearing or trial may be served at any place within the State of Nevada. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.375

Subpoena for taking depositions; place of examination.

1. An order to take a deposition authorizes the issuance by the clerk of the court for the county in which the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.385

Contempt. Failure by any person without adequate excuse to obey a subpoena of a court or a prosecuting attorney served upon him or, in the case of a subpoena issued ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.395

Short title. NRS 174.395 to 174.445, inclusive, may be cited as the Uniform Act To Secure the Attendance of Witnesses From Without a State in Criminal Proceedings. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.405

Definitions. As used in NRS 174.395 to 174.445, inclusive:

1. �State� shall include any territory of the United States and the District of Columbia.

2. �Summons� shall include ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.415

Summoning witness in this State to testify in another state.

1. If a judge of a court of record in any state which by its laws has made provision ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.425

Witness from another state summoned to testify in this state.

1. If a person in any state, which by its laws has made provision for commanding persons within its ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.435

Exemption from arrest and service of process.

1. If a person comes into this state in obedience to a summons directing him to attend and testify in this state ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.445

Uniformity of interpretation. NRS 174.395 to 174.445, inclusive, shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate their general purpose to make uniform the law of the states which enact ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.455

Ground for removal; application not to be granted until after voir dire examination; appeal of order changing or refusing to change place of trial.

1. A criminal action prosecuted ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.464

Application for removal: Making and service; hearing and determination in absence of defendant.

1. The application for removal must be made in open court, and in writing, verified by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.475

Order transferring action: When to be made. If the court is satisfied that the representations of the applicant are true, an order must be made transferring the action to the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.485

Entry of order of removal; transmittal of papers. The order of removal must be entered on the minutes, and the clerk must immediately make out and transmit to the court ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.495

Proceedings on removal when defendant is in custody. If the defendant is in custody, the order must direct his removal and he must be forthwith removed by the sheriff of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.505

Authority of court to which action is removed; transmission of original papers. The court to which the action is removed must proceed to trial and judgment therein as if the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.511

Right of State to trial within 60 days after arraignment; exceptions. The State, upon demand, has the right to a trial of the defendant within 60 days after his arraignment. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.515

Postponement: When and how ordered; court may require depositions of and undertakings by witnesses; court may consider adverse effect upon child who is victim or witness.

1. When an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 174.519

Request for preference in setting date for trial where child is victim or witness; court may consider effect on child of delay in commencement of trial. If the trial involves ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.011

Trial by jury.

1. In a district court, cases required to be tried by jury must be so tried unless the defendant waives a jury trial in writing with ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.021

Formation of jury; number of jurors.

1. Trial juries for criminal actions are formed in the same manner as trial juries in civil actions.

2. Except as provided ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.031

Examination of trial jurors. The court shall conduct the initial examination of prospective jurors, and defendant or his attorney and the district attorney are entitled to supplement the examination by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.036

Challenges for cause for individual jurors: Grounds; trial of challenge.

1. Either side may challenge an individual juror for disqualification or for any cause or favor which would prevent ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.041

Limitation of defendants� right to sever in challenges. When several defendants are tried together, they cannot sever their peremptory challenges, but must join therein. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.051

Number of peremptory challenges.

1. If the offense charged is punishable by death or by imprisonment for life, each side is entitled to eight peremptory challenges.

2. If ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.061

Alternate jurors.

1. The court may direct that not more than four jurors in addition to the regular jury be called and impaneled to sit as alternate jurors. Alternate ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.071

Discharge of juror where juror dies or unable to perform duty. If, before the conclusion of the trial, and there being no alternate juror called or available, a juror dies, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.081

Discharge of jury after retirement upon accident or cause. If, after the retirement of the jury, any accident or cause occurs to prevent their being kept for deliberation, the jury ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.091

Disability of judge during trial. If by reason of death, sickness or other disability the judge before whom a jury trial has commenced is unable to proceed with the trial, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.101

Disability of judge after verdict or finding of guilt. If by reason of absence from the judicial district, death, sickness or other disability the judge before whom the defendant has ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.111

Oath of jurors. When the jury has been impaneled, the court shall administer the following oath:

Do you and each of you solemnly swear that you will well and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.121

Personal knowledge of jurors.

1. The judge shall then admonish the jury that:

(a) No juror may declare to his fellow jurors any fact relating to the case ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.131

Judge to inform jury of right to take notes. Before any evidence has been introduced the judge may inform the jury they may individually take notes during the trial, but ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.141

Order of trial. The jury having been impaneled and sworn, the trial shall proceed in the following order:

1. If the indictment or information be for a felony, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.151

Number of counsel who may argue case. If the indictment or information be for an offense punishable with death, two counsel on each side may argue the case to the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.161


1. Upon the close of the argument, the judge shall charge the jury. He may state the testimony and declare the law, but may not charge the jury ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.171

No special instructions to be given relating exclusively to defendant�s testimony. In the trial of all indictments, complaints and other proceedings against persons charged with the commission of crimes or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.181

Instruction not to be given relative to failure of defendant to testify.

1. No instruction shall be given relative to the failure of the person charged with the commission ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.186

Instructions in prosecution for sexual assault or statutory sexual seduction: Use of certain terms and instructions prohibited.

1. In any prosecution for sexual assault or statutory sexual seduction or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.191

Presumption of innocence: Acquittal in case of reasonable doubt. A defendant in a criminal action is presumed to be innocent until the contrary is proved; and in case of a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.201

Presumption of innocence: Conviction of lowest degree of offense. Every person charged with the commission of a crime shall be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved by competent evidence ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.211

Definition of reasonable doubt; no other definition to be given to juries.

1. A reasonable doubt is one based on reason. It is not mere possible doubt, but is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.221


1. In all trials the testimony of witnesses shall be taken orally in open court, unless otherwise provided by statute.

2. The admissibility of evidence and the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.241

Proof of corporate existence generally. If, upon a trial or proceeding in a criminal case, the existence, constitution or powers of any corporation shall become material, or be in any ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.251

Conspiracy: Allegation and proof of overt act; evidence of overt acts not alleged. Upon a trial for conspiracy, in a case where an overt act shall be necessary to constitute ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.261

False pretenses: What evidence necessary. Upon a trial for having, with an intent to cheat or defraud another designedly, by any false pretense, obtained the signature of any person, to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.271

Expert witnesses.

1. The court may order the defendant or the State or both to show cause why expert witnesses should not be appointed, and may request the parties ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.282

Plea bargain: Inspection by jury; instruction of jury; cross-examination of defendant. If a prosecuting attorney enters into an agreement with a defendant in which the defendant agrees to testify against ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.291

Testimony of accomplice must be corroborated; sufficiency of corroboration; accomplice defined.

1. A conviction shall not be had on the testimony of an accomplice unless he is corroborated by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.301

Abortion or enticing person for prostitution: Testimony of person upon or with whom offense allegedly committed. Upon a trial for procuring or attempting to procure an abortion, or aiding or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.311

Procedure when higher offense is shown by evidence. If it appears by the testimony that the facts proved constitute an offense of a higher nature than that charged in the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.321

Procedure if higher offense ignored. If an indictment for the higher offense be dismissed by the grand jury, or be not found at its next session, or if an information ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.331

When defendant on bail appears for trial he may be committed and held. When a defendant who has given bail appears for trial, the court may, in its discretion, at ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.341

Mistake in charging proper offense: Defendant not discharged; commitment or bail. When it appears, at any time before verdict or judgment, that a mistake has been made in charging the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.351

Discharge of defendant when jury discharged for want of jurisdiction. If the jury is discharged because the court has not jurisdiction of the offense charged, and it appears that it ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.361

Offense committed in other county: Commitment to await warrant; admission to bail; transmittal of papers to district attorney of proper county; expense of transmission. If the offense was committed within ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.371

Discharge where defendant not arrested on warrant from other county; proceedings in case of arrest.

1. If the defendant is not arrested on a warrant from the proper county, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.381

Court may advise jury to acquit defendant when evidence on either side closed; motion for judgment of acquittal after verdict of guilty; subsequent motion for new trial.

1. If, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.383

Withdrawal, discharge or change of defense counsel; limitations. If a counsel seeks to withdraw from the case or is discharged by the defendant for the purpose of delaying the trial, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.387

Misconduct of defendant; sanctions.

1. Whenever a defendant interferes with the orderly course of a trial by his disruptive, disorderly or disrespectful conduct, the court may:

(a) Order ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.391

Separation or custody of jury before submission. The jurors sworn to try a criminal action may, at any time before the submission of the case to the jury, in the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.401

Jury to be admonished at each adjournment. At each adjournment of the court, whether the jurors are permitted to separate or depart for home overnight, or are kept in charge ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.421

Accommodations for jury upon retirement; power of court to furnish. A room shall be provided by the sheriff of each county for the use of the jury upon their retirement ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.431

Jury provided food and lodging when kept together. While the jury are kept together, either during the progress of the trial or after their retirement for deliberation, they shall be ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.441

Jury may take written instructions, materials received in evidence, certain papers and own notes of trial on retiring for deliberation. Upon retiring for deliberation, the jury may take with them:

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.451

Return of jury for information. After the jury have retired for deliberation, if there is any disagreement between them as to any part of the testimony, or if they desire ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.461

Jury not to be discharged after cause submitted; exceptions. Except as provided in NRS 175.081, the jury shall not be discharged after the cause is submitted to them, until they ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.471

Adjournment of court during absence of jury. While the jury are absent, the court may adjourn from time to time, as to other business, but it shall nevertheless be deemed ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.481

Return. The verdict shall be unanimous. It shall be returned by the jury to the judge in open court. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.491

Verdict where there are several defendants. If there are two or more defendants, the jury at any time during its deliberations may return a verdict or verdicts with respect to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.501

Jury may convict of lesser included offense or attempt. The defendant may be found guilty of an offense necessarily included in the offense charged or of an attempt to commit ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.511

When offenses to be stated separately. When the defendant may be convicted of more than one offense charged, each offense of which the defendant is convicted must be stated in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.531

Polling jury; further deliberation or discharge. When a verdict is returned and before it is recorded the jury shall be polled at the request of any party or upon the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.539

Acquittal by reason of insanity: Defendant to be examined; hearing to be held to determine whether defendant is mentally ill; procedure for committing defendant to custody of Division of Mental ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.541

Discharge of defendant after acquittal. If judgment of acquittal be given on a verdict, and the defendant be not detained for any other legal cause, he must be discharged as ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.543

Notice to defendant of provisions concerning sealing of records of proceedings leading to acquittal. Upon the entry of a judgment of acquittal, the court shall provide the defendant with a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.547

Notice of intent to request hearing; time of hearing; evidence; court to enter finding; �sexually motivated� defined.

1. In any case in which a defendant pleads or is found ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.552

When required; procedure; evidence.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, in every case in which there is a finding that a defendant is guilty of murder of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.554

Death penalty cases: Instructions to jury; determinations; findings and verdict; hearing to set aside sentence of defendant alleged to be mentally retarded. In cases in which the death penalty is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.556

Procedure when jury unable to reach unanimous verdict.

1. In a case in which the death penalty is sought, if a jury is unable to reach a unanimous verdict ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.558

Procedure when person is convicted upon plea of guilty or guilty but mentally ill or upon trial without jury and death penalty is sought. Repealed. (See chapter 366, Statutes of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 175.562

Procedure when panel of judges unable to obtain concurrence of majority for sentence less than death. Repealed. (See chapter 366, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 2085.) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.010

Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 176A.020 to 176A.080, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.020

�Board� defined. �Board� means the State Board of Parole Commissioners. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.030

�Court� defined. �Court� means a district court of the State of Nevada. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.040

�Division� defined. �Division� means the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.045

�Mental illness� defined. �Mental illness� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 433.164. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.047

�Mental retardation� defined. �Mental retardation� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 433.174. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.050

�Parole and probation officer� defined. �Parole and probation officer� means the Chief Parole and Probation Officer or an assistant parole and probation officer appointed in accordance with the provisions of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.060

�Residential confinement� defined. �Residential confinement� means the confinement of a person convicted of a crime to his place of residence under the terms and conditions established by the sentencing court. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.070

�Standards� defined. �Standards� means the objective standards for granting or revoking parole or probation which are adopted by the Board or Chief Parole and Probation Officer. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.080

�Surety bond� defined. �Surety bond� means a written undertaking, executed by a surety, that a person will, as a result of the bond, participate in a program of probation and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.100

Authority and discretion of court to suspend sentence and grant probation; persons eligible; factors considered; intensive supervision; submission of report of presentence investigation.

1. Except as otherwise provided in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.110

Persons convicted of certain offenses required to be certified as not representing a high risk to reoffend before court suspends sentence or grants probation; immunity.

1. The court shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.120

Persons convicted of certain offenses against elderly required to pay restitution before court suspends sentence or grants probation; exceptions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the court ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.200

Investigation by parole and probation officer. The parole and probation officer shall inquire into the circumstances of the offense, criminal record, social history and present condition of the defendant. Such ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.210

Promise to comply with conditions of probation; waiver of extradition. Before a person may be accepted for probation, he must submit to the Division for filing with the clerk of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.220

Certification of copy of records; delivery of copy to Chief Parole and Probation Officer. The court shall, upon the entering of an order of probation or suspension of sentence, as ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.250

Establishment of program for treatment of mental illness or mental retardation; assignment of defendant to program; progress reports. A court may establish an appropriate program for the treatment of mental ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.255

Transfer of jurisdiction from justice�s court or municipal court to district court for assignment of defendant to program.

1. A justice�s court or a municipal court may, upon approval ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.260

Conditions and limitations on assignment of defendant to program; effect of violation of terms and conditions; discharge of defendant upon fulfillment of terms and conditions; effect of discharge.

1. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.265

Sealing of records after discharge.

1. Three years after a defendant is discharged from probation pursuant to NRS 176A.260, the court shall order sealed all documents, papers and exhibits ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.300

Execution and amount of surety bond.

1. Whenever a person other than an indigent person has been found guilty of a category C, D or E felony upon verdict ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.310

Conditions; duties of surety; probationer to report to and pay surety.

1. The court shall set the conditions of a program of probation secured by a surety bond. The ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.320

Failure of surety to fulfill duties; failure of probationer to fulfill conditions of surety bond.

1. If a surety fails to:

(a) Provide the facilities or equipment required ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.330

Exoneration of surety and setting aside of forfeiture of surety bond. The court may exonerate the surety or set aside a forfeiture of the surety bond upon such terms as ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.340

Procedure when surety not exonerated; enforcement of liability; remission of judgment of default.

1. If the surety is not exonerated and the forfeiture of the surety bond is not ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.350

Discharge of surety and release of bond. When the conditions of a surety bond securing participation in a program of probation have been satisfied or a forfeiture of a bond ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.360

Arrest of probationer. For the purpose of surrendering a probationer, a surety, at any time before it is finally discharged, and at any place within the State, may, by a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.370

Money collected to be deposited in State General Fund. Money collected pursuant to NRS 176A.300 to 176A.370, inclusive, must be paid to the State Treasurer for deposit in the State ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.400

Imposition by court; alternative programs or treatment; prohibition on suspending term of imprisonment; placement under supervision of Chief Parole and Probation Officer.

1. In issuing an order granting probation, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.410

Required terms and conditions for sex offenders; powers and duties of court; exceptions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, if a defendant is convicted of a sexual ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.413

Restrictions relating to computers and use of Internet and other electronic means of communication; powers and duties of court; exceptions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, if ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.416

Evaluations and counseling for offenses involving cruelty to animals; powers and duties of court.

1. As a condition of probation, the court may order a defendant who is convicted ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.420

Tests to determine use of controlled substance.

1. Upon the granting of probation to a person convicted of a felony or gross misdemeanor, the court may, when the circumstances ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.430


1. The court shall order as a condition of probation or suspension of sentence, in appropriate circumstances, that the defendant make full or partial restitution to the person ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.440

Program of Intensive Supervision.

1. The Chief Parole and Probation Officer shall develop a program for the intensive supervision of a person granted probation pursuant to subsection 4 of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.450

Modification; procedure for modifying conditions relating to program of probation secured by surety bond; limitations.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, by order duly entered, the court ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.500

Authority of court to fix duration; limitations; arrest for alleged violation; powers and duties of peace officers.

1. The period of probation or suspension of sentence may be indeterminate ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.530

Authority of Chief Parole and Probation Officer to order. The Chief Parole and Probation Officer may, in accordance with the provisions of NRS 176A.530 to 176A.560, inclusive, order any probationer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.540

Requirements; intensive supervision; use of electronic device; limitations.

1. The Chief Parole and Probation Officer may order the residential confinement of a probationer if he believes that the probationer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.550

Terms and conditions; modification; notice to probationer.

1. In ordering a probationer to be placed in residential confinement, the Chief Parole and Probation Officer may establish the terms and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.560

Termination; detention of probationer in jail.

1. The Chief Parole and Probation Officer may terminate the residential confinement of a probationer and order the detention of the probationer in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.580

Inquiry required before alleged violation considered by court; qualifications of inquiring officer; time and place of inquiry; exceptions; subpoenas.

1. Before a probationer in custody for a violation of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.590

Enforcement of subpoena issued by inquiring officer; contempt.

1. If any witness refuses to attend or testify or produce any books and papers as required by the subpoena, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.600

Notice to probationer; rights of probationer at inquiry.

1. The parole and probation officer or detaining authority shall give the arrested probationer advance notice of:

(a) The place ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.610

Duties of inquiring officer; determination; detention or residential confinement of probationer upon finding probable cause.

1. Upon completion of the inquiry, the inquiring officer shall:

(a) Make a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.630

Assignment of case; consideration of alleged violation; revocation permitted upon finding violation; alternative actions; restitution for governmental expenses. If the probationer is arrested, by or without warrant, in another judicial ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.640

Expenses of returning arrested probationer to court are charge against State; payment. The necessary expenses of returning to the court a person arrested for violation of probation are a charge ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.660

Authority of court to order; requirements; intensive supervision; use of electronic device; limitations.

1. If a person who has been placed on probation violates a condition of his probation, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.670

Terms and conditions; modification; notice.

1. In ordering a person to a term of residential confinement, a court may establish the terms and conditions of that confinement.

2. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.680

Authority of court to modify or rescind for subsequent violation; imposition of other punishment. If it is determined that the person violated any term or condition of his residential confinement, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.690

Establishment of procedures by Division for supervision of persons in residential confinement. The Division shall establish procedures to administer a program of supervision for persons who are ordered to a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.720

Establishment. The Division may:

1. Establish centers for the housing and supervision of probationers assigned to the centers under NRS 176A.730.

2. Contract for any services necessary to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.730

Assignment of probationers; limitations.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, when a district court grants probation to a person convicted of a felony or continues his probation ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.740

Duties and powers of Division; management of earnings and assets of probationer; regulations.

1. The Division shall:

(a) Determine a fixed amount to be deducted from the wages ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.770

Legislative declaration. The Legislature hereby determines and declares that a program of regimental discipline is not to be used as an alternative to probation, but as an alternative to incarceration. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.780

Eligibility; procedure; completion; deduction of time from sentence.

1. If a defendant:

(a) Is male;

(b) Has been convicted of a felony that does not involve an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.850

Honorable discharge from probation: When granted; restoration of civil rights; effect; documentation.

1. A person who:

(a) Has fulfilled the conditions of his probation for the entire period ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.860

Procedure for applying for restoration of civil rights after honorable discharge. Repealed. (See chapter 447, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 2734.) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176A.870

Dishonorable discharge. A defendant whose term of probation has expired and:

1. Whose whereabouts are unknown;

2. Who has failed to make restitution in full as ordered by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.002

�Division� defined. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, �Division� means the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0121

�Commission� defined. As used in NRS 176.0121 to 176.0129, inclusive, �Commission� means the Advisory Commission on Sentencing. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0123

Creation; members and appointing authorities; Chairman; terms; vacancies; salaries and per diem.

1. The Advisory Commission on Sentencing is hereby created. The Commission consists of:

(a) One member ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0125

Duties of Commission. The Commission shall:

1. Identify and study the elements of this state�s system of criminal justice which affect the sentences imposed for felonies and gross misdemeanors.

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0127

Department of Corrections and Division of Parole and Probation to provide information to and assist Commission.

1. The Department of Corrections shall:

(a) Provide the Commission with any ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0129

Annual projections of persons imprisoned, on probation, on parole and in residential confinement. The Department of Administration shall, on an annual basis, contract for the services of an independent contractor, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.015

Prompt hearing; court may commit defendant or continue or alter bail before hearing; statement by defendant; presentation of mitigating evidence; rights of victim; notice of hearing.

1. Sentence must ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.025

Death sentence not to be imposed on person under age of 16 years convicted of crime. A death sentence shall not be imposed or inflicted upon any person convicted of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.033

Sentence of imprisonment required or permitted by statute: Definite period for misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor; minimum and maximum term for felony unless definite term required by statute; restitution; modification of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.035

Conviction of two or more offenses; concurrent and consecutive sentences.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, whenever a person is convicted of two or more offenses, and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.045

Imposition of concurrent or consecutive sentence on person under sentence in another jurisdiction.

1. Whenever a person convicted of a public offense in this State is under sentence of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.055

Credit against sentence of imprisonment.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, whenever a sentence of imprisonment in the county jail or state prison is imposed, the court ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.059

Administrative assessment for misdemeanor: Collection; distribution; limitations on use.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, when a defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty of a misdemeanor, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0611

Additional administrative assessment for misdemeanor: Authorization; collection; distribution; limitations on use.

1. A county or a city, upon recommendation of the appropriate court, may, by ordinance, authorize the justices ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0613

Additional administrative assessment for misdemeanor: Authorization; collection; distribution; limitations on use.

1. The justices or judges of the justices� or municipal courts shall impose, in addition to an administrative ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.062

Administrative assessment for felony or gross misdemeanor: Collection; distribution; limitations on use.

1. When a defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty of a felony or gross misdemeanor, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.064

Collection fee for unpaid administrative assessment, fine, fee or restitution; use of collection agency; report to credit agencies; attachment or garnishment; suspension of driver�s license; imprisonment.

1. If a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.065

Rate of additional imprisonment in default of administrative assessment, fine or forfeiture.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, when a person is sentenced to both fine and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.075

Rate of imprisonment in default of administrative assessment, fine or forfeiture.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, when a person is sentenced to pay a fine or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.085

Reduction of excessive fine or administrative assessment; payment in installments. Whenever, after a fine and administrative assessment have been imposed but before they have been discharged by payment or confinement, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.087

Imposition of community service as punishment or condition of probation.

1. Except where the imposition of a specific criminal penalty is mandatory, a court may order a convicted person ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0911

�CODIS� defined. As used in NRS 176.0911 to 176.0917, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, �CODIS� means the Combined DNA Indexing System operated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0913

Biological specimen to be obtained from certain defendants; identifying information submitted to Central Repository; costs.

1. If a defendant is convicted of an offense listed in subsection 4, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0915

Fee for obtaining biological specimen and for testing; inclusion in sentence; creation of county fund; use of money in fund.

1. If the court orders that a biological specimen ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0916

Biological specimen to be obtained from certain probationers and parolees; fee for obtaining biological specimen and for testing; identifying information submitted to Central Repository; creation of state Fund; use of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0917

County to designate forensic laboratory to conduct or oversee testing; criteria.

1. The board of county commissioners of each county shall designate a forensic laboratory to conduct or oversee ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0918

Petition requesting genetic marker testing of evidence by person sentenced to death: Authorized; procedure; when granted; remedy not exclusive.

1. A person convicted of a crime and under sentence ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0919

Execution stayed pending results of genetic marker analysis.

1. After a judge grants a petition requesting a genetic marker analysis pursuant to NRS 176.0918, if a judge determines that ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0921

Definitions. As used in NRS 176.0921 to 176.0927, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 176.0922 to 176.0925, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0922

�Central Repository� defined. �Central Repository� means the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0923

�Crime against a child� defined. �Crime against a child� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.210. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0924

�Record of registration� defined. �Record of registration� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.070. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0925

�Sexual offense� defined. �Sexual offense� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.410. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0926

Crime against child: Notice of conviction to Central Repository; defendant informed of duty to register; effect of failure to inform.

1. If a defendant is convicted of a crime ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0927

Sexual offense: Notice of conviction to Central Repository; defendant informed of duty to register; effect of failure to inform.

1. If a defendant is convicted of a sexual offense, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.0931

Special sentence for sex offenders; petition for release from lifetime supervision.

1. If a defendant is convicted of a sexual offense, the court shall include in sentencing, in addition ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.095

State Board of Parole Commissioners may direct release of state prisoner on parole. The State Board of Parole Commissioners may direct that any prisoner confined in the state prison, or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.105

Judgment in criminal action generally.

1. If a defendant is found guilty and is sentenced as provided by law, the judgment of conviction must set forth:

(a) The ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.115

Judgment against complainant for malicious prosecution when defendant not found guilty; costs; enforcement of judgment.

1. In all cases of criminal prosecution where the defendant is not found guilty, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.125

Entry of judgment of conviction; what papers constitute record of action. When judgment upon a conviction is rendered, the clerk shall, within 5 days, annex together and file the following ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.127

Determination of mental condition of defendant; treatment if defendant mentally ill at time of sentencing. Repealed. (See chapter 284, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 1505.) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.129

Final judgment of guilty but mentally ill deemed judgment of guilty. Repealed. (See chapter 284, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 1505.) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.133

Definitions. As used in NRS 176.133 to 176.159, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. �Person professionally qualified to conduct psychosexual evaluations� means a person who has received training ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.135

Presentence investigation and report: When required; time for completing.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NRS 176.151, the Division shall make a presentence investigation and report ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.139

Presentence investigation and report: Psychosexual evaluation of certain sex offenders required; standards and methods for conducting evaluation; access to records; rights of confidentiality and privileges deemed waived; costs.

1. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.145

Presentence investigation and report: Contents of report.

1. The report of any presentence investigation must contain:

(a) Any prior criminal record of the defendant;

(b) Information concerning ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.151

General investigation and report on defendant convicted of category E felony: When required; time for completing; contents of report.

1. If a defendant pleads guilty or nolo contendere to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.156

Disclosure of report of presentence or general investigation; persons entitled to use report; confidentiality of report.

1. The Division shall disclose to the prosecuting attorney, the counsel for the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.159

Delivery of report of presentence or general investigation to Director of Department of Corrections.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, when a court imposes a sentence of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.165

When plea of guilty or nolo contendere may be withdrawn. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a motion to withdraw a plea of guilty or nolo contendere may be ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.265

Fines to be paid into State Treasury. The full amount of all fines imposed and collected under and for violation of any penal law of this State shall be paid ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.275

Judgment for fine, administrative assessment, payment of restitution or repayment of expenses is lien. A judgment which imposes a fine or administrative assessment or requires a defendant to pay restitution ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.278

Payment of restitution from civil judgment or settlement in favor of defendant and against state, political subdivision, officer, employee or contractor.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.285

Fines in justice�s court to be paid to county treasurer within 30 days. In justice�s court, when a fine is paid or bail is forfeited, the justice must pay the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.295

Costs when criminal action removed before trial; clerk to certify costs to auditor.

1. In every case where a criminal action may have been or shall be removed before ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.305

Judgment for imprisonment or fine and imprisonment until satisfied: Commitment and detention. If the judgment be imprisonment, or a fine and imprisonment until it is satisfied, the defendant must forthwith ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.315

Judgment of imprisonment in county jail: How executed. A judgment of imprisonment to be served in a county jail must be executed by delivering the defendant into the custody of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.325

Judgment of imprisonment in state prison: How executed. When a judgment of imprisonment to be served in the state prison has been pronounced, triplicate certified copies of the judgment of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.335

Duty of sheriff on receiving copies of judgment of imprisonment; Director of Department of Corrections to receive prisoner from sheriff; when term of imprisonment begins.

1. If a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.345

Proceedings when conviction carries death penalty.

1. When a judgment of death has been pronounced, a certified copy of the judgment of conviction must be forthwith executed and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.355

Execution of death penalty: Method; time and place; witnesses.

1. The judgment of death must be inflicted by an injection of a lethal drug.

2. The Director of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.357

Request for notification of execution of death penalty; request to attend.

1. If after a conviction for murder a judgment of death has been pronounced, each member of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.365

Director of Department of Corrections to make return on death warrant. After the execution, the Director of the Department of Corrections must make a return upon the death warrant to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.415

When execution of death penalty may be stayed. The execution of a judgment of death must be stayed only:

1. By the State Board of Pardons Commissioners as authorized ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.425

Sanity investigation: Filing of petition; stay of execution.

1. If, after judgment of death, there is a good reason to believe that the defendant has become insane, the Director ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.435

Sanity investigation: Conduct of hearing.

1. On the day fixed, the Director of the Department of Corrections shall bring the convicted person before the court, and the Attorney General ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.445

Execution of judgment when defendant found sane. If it is found by the court that the convicted person is sane, the Director of the Department of Corrections must execute the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.455

Suspension of execution when defendant found insane; proceedings on recovery of sanity.

1. If it is found by the court that the convicted person is insane, the judge shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.465

Investigation of pregnancy: Procedure; hearing.

1. If there is good reason to believe that a female against whom a judgment of death has been rendered is pregnant, the Director ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.475

Proceedings after investigation: Execution of judgment; suspension of execution; issuance of warrant on termination of pregnancy.

1. If it is found by the court that the female is not ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.485

Costs of investigations borne by State; manner of payment. The costs and expenses of the investigations provided in NRS 176.415 to 176.475, inclusive, must be borne by the State and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.486

Authority to enter stay of execution. A district court having proper jurisdiction or the Supreme Court, if it has proper jurisdiction, may stay the execution of a sentence of death ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.487

Determination of whether to enter stay of execution. When a person under a sentence of death files a proper postconviction petition for habeas corpus, a district court or the Supreme ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.488

Entry of stay of execution and necessary orders. A stay of execution must be entered by the court in writing and copies sent as soon as practicable to the Director ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.489

Vacation of stay of execution. Any stay of execution previously entered by the court must be vacated if the court denies the petition for habeas corpus. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.491

Stay of execution following denial of appeal.

1. Upon the denial of any appeal to the Supreme Court pursuant to chapter 34 or 177 of NRS, the Supreme Court ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.492

Dissolution of stay of execution which was improperly entered. The respondent may file a petition with the Supreme Court within 10 days after the entry of a stay of execution ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.495

New warrant generally.

1. If for any reason a judgment of death has not been executed, and it remains in force, the court in which the conviction was had ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.505

Order following appeal.

1. When a remittitur showing the affirmation of a judgment of death has been filed with the clerk of the court from which the appeal has ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.515

New trial: Grounds; time for filing motion.

1. The court may grant a new trial to a defendant if required as a matter of law or on the ground ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.525

Arrest of judgment: When granted and time in which motion is to be made. The court shall arrest judgment if the indictment, information or complaint does not charge an offense ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.535

Effect of arresting judgment. The effect of allowing a motion in arrest of judgment is to place the defendant in the same situation in which he was before the indictment ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.545

Procedure after allowance of arrest of judgment.

1. If, from the evidence on the trial, there is reasonable ground to believe the defendant guilty, and a new indictment, information ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.555

Correction of illegal sentence. The court may correct an illegal sentence at any time. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 176.565

Clerical mistakes. Clerical mistakes in judgments, orders or other parts of the record and errors in the record arising from oversight or omission may be corrected by the court at ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.015

Appeals to district and Supreme Court. The party aggrieved in a criminal action may appeal only as follows:

1. Whether that party is the State or the defendant:


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.025

Appeal to Supreme Court taken on questions of law alone. The appeal to the Supreme Court from the district court can be taken on questions of law alone. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.035

Designation of parties on appeal. The party appealing shall be known as the appellant, and the adverse party as the respondent, but the title of the action is not changed ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.045

Intermediate order or proceeding may be reviewed on appeal. Upon the appeal, any decision of the court in an intermediate order or proceeding, forming a part of the record, may ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.055

Automatic appeal in certain cases; mandatory review of death sentence by Supreme Court.

1. When upon a plea of not guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.075

Appeal to Supreme Court: Notice.

1. Except where appeal is automatic, an appeal from a district court to the Supreme Court is taken by filing a notice of appeal ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.085

Effect of appeal by State.

1. An appeal taken by the State shall in no case stay or affect the operation of a judgment in favor of the defendant; ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.095

Stay of execution upon sentence of death. A sentence of death shall be stayed if an appeal is taken. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.105

Stay of execution upon sentence of imprisonment. A sentence of imprisonment shall be stayed if an appeal is taken and the defendant is admitted to bail. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.115

Stay of execution upon fine. A sentence to pay a fine or a fine and costs, if an appeal is taken, may be stayed by a justice�s court, district court, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.125

Stay of probation. An order placing the defendant on probation may be stayed if an appeal is taken. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.135

Admission to bail upon appeal. Admission to bail upon appeal shall be as provided in this title. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.145

Application for relief pending review. If application is made to a district court or to a justice of the Supreme Court for bail pending appeal or for an extension of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.155

Supervision of appeal. The supervision and control of the proceedings on appeal shall be in the appellate court from the time the notice of appeal is filed with its clerk, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.165

Preparation of record and papers on appeal. All appeals from a district court to the Supreme Court shall be heard on the original papers and the reporter�s transcript of evidence ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.205

Dismissal by Supreme Court. The Supreme Court may, on its own motion or on motion of the respondent, dismiss an appeal:

1. If the appeal is irregular in any ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.215

Date for argument. Unless good cause is shown for an earlier hearing, the Supreme Court shall set the appeal for argument on a date not less than 30 days after ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.225

Judgment may be affirmed but cannot be reversed without argument. Judgment of affirmance may be granted without argument, if the appellant fail to appear. But judgment of reversal can only ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.235

Number of counsel in argument on appeal. Upon the argument of the appeal, if the offense is punishable with death, two counsel shall be heard on each side, if they ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.245

Defendant need not be present. The defendant need not personally appear in the Supreme Court. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.255

Court to give judgment without regard to technical errors. After hearing the appeal, the Court shall give judgment without regard to technical error or defect which does not affect the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.265

Determination of appeal. The Supreme Court may reverse, affirm, or modify the judgment appealed from, and may, if necessary or proper, order a new trial. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.267

Time within which Supreme Court shall render opinion on appeal from judgment of death.

1. An appeal to the Supreme Court from a judgment of death or the review ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.275

Defendant to be discharged on reversal without ordering a new trial. If a judgment against the defendant is reversed, without ordering a new trial, the Supreme Court shall direct, if ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.285

Judgment to be executed on affirmance. On a judgment of affirmance against the defendant, the original judgment shall be carried into execution, as the Supreme Court shall direct. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 177.305

Jurisdiction of Supreme Court to cease after certificate of judgment remitted. After the certificate of judgment has been remitted, the Supreme Court shall have no further jurisdiction of the appeal ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.388

Presence of defendant.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this title, the defendant must be present at the arraignment, at every stage of the trial including the impaneling of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.391

Second prosecution for same offense prohibited. No person can be subject to a second prosecution for a public offense for which he has once been prosecuted and duly convicted or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.394

No person to be compelled to be witness against himself in criminal action, or to be unnecessarily restrained. No person can be compelled, in a criminal action, to be a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.397

Assignment of counsel. Every defendant accused of a gross misdemeanor or felony who is financially unable to obtain counsel is entitled to have counsel assigned to represent him at every ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.3971

Appointment of defense team for defendant accused of murder of first degree. If a magistrate or district court appoints an attorney, other than a public defender, to represent a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.3975

Order for payment by defendant; remission of payment; disposition of amounts recovered; community service.

1. The court may order a defendant to pay all or any part of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.398

Execution against defendant�s property. If a defendant for whom an attorney is appointed at public expense on account of indigency has property subject to execution or acquires such property within ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.399

�Treatment to competency� defined. As used in NRS 178.400 to 178.460, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, �treatment to competency� means treatment provided to a defendant to attempt to cause ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.400

Incompetent person cannot be tried or adjudged to punishment for public offense.

1. A person may not be tried or adjudged to punishment for a public offense while he ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.405

Suspension of trial or pronouncement of judgment when doubt arises as to competence of defendant. Any time before trial, or when upon conviction the defendant is brought up for judgment, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.415

Appointment of person or persons to examine defendant; hearing; finding.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the court shall appoint two psychiatrists, two psychologists, or one psychiatrist ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.417

Certification of person who evaluates competency of defendant required.

1. A person may not provide a report or an evaluation concerning the competency of a defendant to stand trial ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.420

Procedure on finding defendant competent. If the court finds that the defendant is competent, the trial must proceed, or judgment may be pronounced, as the case may be. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.425

Procedure on finding defendant incompetent.

1. If the court finds the defendant incompetent, and that he is dangerous to himself or to society and that commitment is required for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.430

Commitment of defendant exonerates bail. The commitment of the defendant, as mentioned in NRS 178.425, shall exonerate any bail he may have given, or shall entitle any person authorized to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.435

Expenses of examination and transportation are charge against county or city; recovery from estate or relative. The expenses of the examination and of the transportation of the defendant to and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.440

Clerk to certify costs to county or city. The clerk of the court before which an examination has been conducted shall certify the costs to the board of county commissioners ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.450

Duties of Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services following finding of incompetence; observation and evaluation of defendant; report to court.

1. The Administrator of the Division of Mental ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.453

Access to certain records of defendant within possession of Department of Corrections by Administrator authorized for purpose of evaluating and treating defendant.

1. The Administrator of the Division of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.455

Procedure for evaluating certain defendants following finding of incompetence; report to court; procedure concerning misdemeanants.

1. Except as otherwise provided for persons charged with or convicted of a misdemeanor, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.455

Procedure for evaluating certain defendants following finding of incompetence; report to court; procedure concerning misdemeanants. [Effective through June 30, 2004.]

1. Except as otherwise provided for persons charged with ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.455

Procedure for evaluating certain defendants following finding of incompetence; report to court; procedure concerning misdemeanants. [Effective July 1, 2004.]

1. Except as otherwise provided for persons charged with or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.460

Powers and duties of court following finding of incompetence; limitation on length of commitment.

1. If requested by the district attorney or counsel for the defendant within 10 days ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.472

Computation. In computing any period of time the day of the act or event from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.476

Enlargement. When an act is required or allowed to be done at or within a specified time, the court for cause shown may at any time in its discretion:


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.478

Motions; affidavits.

1. A written motion, other than one which may be heard ex parte, and notice of the hearing thereof must be served not later than 5 days ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.482

Additional time after service by mail. Whenever a party has the right or is required to do an act within a prescribed period after the service of a notice or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.484

Right to bail before conviction; exceptions; imposition of conditions; arrest for violation of condition.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person arrested for an offense other ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.4851

Release without bail; imposition of conditions; arrest for violation of condition.

1. Upon a showing of good cause, a court may release without bail any person entitled to bail ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.4853

Factors considered before release without bail. In deciding whether there is good cause to release a person without bail, the court as a minimum shall consider the following factors concerning ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.4855

Limitations on release without bail of certain defendants who are taken into custody while admitted to bail on other charges; notice to bail agent required. A defendant charged with the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.486

When bail is matter of discretion, notice of application must be given to district attorney. When the admission to bail is a matter of discretion, the court, or officer by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.487

Bail after arrest for felony offense committed while on bail. Every release on bail with or without security is conditioned upon the defendant�s good behavior while so released, and upon ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.4871

Postconviction petitioner for habeas corpus: Limitations on release. A person who has filed a postconviction petition for habeas corpus:

1. Must not in any case be released on his ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.4873

Postconviction petitioner for habeas corpus: Release pending appeal. If a district court denies a postconviction petition for habeas corpus, the petitioner must not be released on his own recognizance or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.4875

Proceeding for forfeiture of bail pending review or appeal; proceeding for recommitment of defendant.

1. If the court admits a petitioner to bail pending review of his petition or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.488

Right to bail upon review; notice of application to be given district attorney.

1. Bail may be allowed pending appeal or certiorari unless it appears that the appeal is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.494

Bail for witnesses; judicial review of detention or amount of bail.

1. If it appears by affidavit that the testimony of a person is material in any criminal proceeding ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.498

Amount. If the defendant is admitted to bail, the bail must be set at an amount which in the judgment of the magistrate will reasonably ensure the appearance of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.499

Increase in amount.

1. At any time after a district or justice�s court has ordered bail to be set at a specific amount, and before acquittal or conviction, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.502

Form of bail; extension of bond or undertaking to proceedings in other courts; exoneration; place of deposit.

1. A person required or permitted to give bail shall execute a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.504

Justification of sureties.

1. Every surety, except a corporate surety which is approved as provided by law, shall justify by affidavit and may be required to describe in the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.506

Declaration of forfeiture. If there is a breach of condition of a bond, the court shall declare a forfeiture of the bail, subject to the provisions of NRS 178.508 and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.508

Duties of court when defendant fails to appear; procedure for issuing order of forfeiture; when forfeiture becomes effective; grounds for extending date of forfeiture.

1. If the defendant fails ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.509

Exoneration of surety before date of forfeiture: Conditions; grounds.

1. If the defendant fails to appear when his presence in court is lawfully required, the court shall not exonerate ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.512

Setting aside forfeiture: Conditions; grounds; when written finding is required.

1. The court shall not set aside a forfeiture unless:

(a) The surety submits an application to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.514

Enforcement of forfeiture.

1. When a forfeiture has not been set aside, the court shall on motion enter a judgment of default and execution may issue thereon.


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.516

Remission of forfeited money. After entry of such judgment, the court shall not remit it in whole or in part unless the conditions applying to the setting aside of forfeiture ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.518

Payment of forfeited deposits to county treasurer or State Controller. Money collected pursuant to NRS 178.506 to 178.516, inclusive, which was collected:

1. From a person who was charged ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.522

Exoneration of bail.

1. When the condition of the bond has been satisfied or the forfeiture thereof has been set aside or remitted, the court shall exonerate the obligors ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.524

Deposit required in certain cases. If the defendant surrenders himself to, is apprehended by or is in the custody of a peace officer in the State of Nevada or the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.526

Arrest of defendant.

1. For the purpose of surrendering a defendant, a surety, at any time before the surety is finally discharged, and at any place within this state, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.528

Disposition of money deposited as bail. When money has been deposited, if it remains on deposit at the time of a judgment for the payment of a fine, the court, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.532

Recommitment of defendant after having given bail or deposited money. The court to which the committing magistrate shall return the depositions and statement, or in which an indictment or information ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.534

Contents of order for recommitment. The order for the recommitment of the defendant shall:

1. Recite generally the facts upon which it is founded.

2. Direct that the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.536

Arrest on order of recommitment. The defendant may be arrested pursuant to the order, upon a certified copy thereof, in any county, in the same manner as upon a warrant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.538

Commitment of defendant on order when he fails to appear for judgment; if order issued for other cause, defendant may be admitted to bail.

1. If the order recites, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.542

Records: District court. Each county clerk shall maintain a record containing the following information for each bail bond accepted by a district court within the county:

1. The name ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.544

Records: Justice�s court.

1. Whenever a person is admitted to bail in a justice�s court and the bail is put in by a written undertaking, the deputy clerk of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.546

Records: Supreme Court.

1. Whenever a person is admitted to bail by the Supreme Court or a justice of the Supreme Court, the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.548

Notification of district attorney when bail bond is forfeited. The county clerk, the deputy clerk of the justice�s court, or the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall notify the district ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.552

Form; contents. An application to the court for an order shall be by motion. A motion other than one made during a trial or hearing shall be in writing unless ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.554

Dismissal by district attorney or Attorney General by leave of court. The district attorney, or the Attorney General in those cases which have been initiated by him, may by leave ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.556

Dismissal by court for unnecessary delay.

1. If no indictment is found or information filed against a person within 15 days after he has been held to answer for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.562

Dismissal or discharge as bar to another prosecution.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 174.085, an order for the dismissal of the action, as provided in NRS 178.554 ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.563

Notice to defendant of provisions concerning sealing of records of proceedings leading to dismissal. Upon the entry of an order dismissing a criminal action or proceeding, the court shall provide ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.564

Certain offenses for which party injured has civil action may be compromised. When a defendant is held to answer on a charge of a misdemeanor, for which the person injured ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.566

Compromise to be by permission of court; order to bar another prosecution.

1. If the party injured appears before the court to which the depositions are required to be ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.568

No public offense to be compromised except as provided in this title. No public offense shall be compromised, nor shall any proceeding for the prosecution or punishment thereof, upon a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.569

Definitions. As used in NRS 178.569 to 178.5698, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. �Relative� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 217.060.

2. �Victim of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.5691

Confidentiality of personal information. All personal information, including, but not limited to, a current or former address, which pertains to a victim, relative, witness or other person and which is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.5692

Investigation by sheriff of threats of harm; protection. If a victim of a crime or a witness is cooperating with the prosecuting attorney in a criminal case and reasonably apprehends ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.5694

Harassment of victim or witness by employer; notification by prosecuting attorney of continuance of proceeding.

1. If it is difficult for such a victim or witness to assist in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.5696

Separate waiting area; disposition of personal property; fees for testifying.

1. A court trying a criminal case shall provide victims and witnesses a secure waiting area which is not ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.5698

Information concerning release of defendant and disposition of case provided upon request; court to inform and provide documentation to certain persons of their right to be informed of release of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.571

Applicability to certain cases; persons permitted to be attendant; permissible conduct by attendant; exclusion for good cause.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, in a case involving ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.572

Order of immunity releasing material witness from prosecution or punishment on motion of State.

1. In any investigation before a grand jury, or any preliminary examination or trial in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.574

Order of immunity bar to prosecution; exception. Such order of immunity shall forever be a bar to prosecution against the witness for any offense shown in whole or in part ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.576

Failure of witness granted immunity to testify is contempt. Any witness who having been granted immunity refuses to testify or produce other evidence is in contempt of court. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.578

Denial of motion. The court shall deny the motion of the State under NRS 178.572 if it reasonably appears to the court that such testimony or evidence would subject the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.582

Service: When required. Written motions other than those which are heard ex parte, written notices, designations of record on appeal and similar papers shall be served upon each of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.584

Service: How made.

1. Whenever under this Title or by an order of the court service is required or permitted to be made upon a party represented by an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.586

Notice of orders. Immediately upon the entry of an order made on a written motion subsequent to arraignment the clerk shall mail to each party a notice thereof and shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.588

Filing of papers. Papers required to be served must be filed with the court. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 178.589, papers must be filed in the manner provided in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.589

Use of facsimile machine.

1. Except when personal service of a person is ordered by the court or required by specific statute, a person who is represented by an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.592

Calendar of criminal actions: Preparation by clerk.

1. The clerk must prepare a calendar of all criminal actions pending in the court, enumerating them according to the date of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.594

Order of disposing of issues on calendar. The issues on the calendar must be disposed of in the following order, unless for good cause the court directs an action to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.596

Exceptions unnecessary. Exceptions to rulings or orders of the court are unnecessary and for all purposes for which an exception has been necessary prior to January 1, 1968, it is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.598

Harmless error. Any error, defect, irregularity or variance which does not affect substantial rights shall be disregarded. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.602

Plain error. Plain errors or defects affecting substantial rights may be noticed although they were not brought to the attention of the court. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.606

Docket kept by deputy clerk of justice�s court; contents. A docket must be kept by the deputy clerk of the justice�s court, in which he shall enter each action, and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.608

Rules of justices� courts and district courts not to be inconsistent with this title. Rules made by justices� courts and district courts for the conduct of criminal proceedings shall not ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.610

Where no procedure specifically prescribed court may proceed in lawful manner. If no procedure is specifically prescribed by this title, the court may proceed in any lawful manner not inconsistent ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.620

Enactment; text. The Agreement on Detainers, set forth in this section, is hereby enacted into law and entered into by this State with all other jurisdictions legally joining such agreement ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.630

Duties of Director of Department of Corrections. The Director of the Department of Corrections shall comply with the provisions of Articles III and IV of The Agreement on Detainers whenever ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.640

Duty of Governor. The Governor shall appoint the officer provided in Article VII of The Agreement on Detainers. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.700

Procedure for making request; time for responding; withdrawal of request; notice of receipt of detainer.

1. If the Attorney General, a prosecuting attorney or an agency of criminal justice ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 178.750

District attorney to submit annual report to Supreme Court on cases filed that included charge for murder or involuntary manslaughter.

1. The district attorney for each county shall prepare ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.010

Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179A.020 to 179A.073, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.020

�Administration of criminal justice� defined. �Administration of criminal justice� means detection, apprehension, detention, release pending trial or after trial, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision or rehabilitation of accused persons or criminal ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.030

�Agency of criminal justice� defined. �Agency of criminal justice� means:

1. Any court; and

2. Any governmental agency which performs a function in the administration of criminal justice ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.045

�Central Repository� defined. �Central Repository� means the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.047

�Child� defined. �Child� means a person under the age of 16 years. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.049

�Department� defined. �Department� means the Department of Public Safety. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.050

�Disposition� defined. �Disposition� means the formal conclusion of a criminal proceeding at any point in the administration of criminal justice which shows the nature of the conclusion. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.060

�Dissemination� defined. �Dissemination� means disclosing records of criminal history or the absence of records of criminal history to a person or agency outside the organization which has control of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.065

�Information relating to sexual offenses� defined. Repealed. (See chapter 463, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 2873.) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.070

�Record of criminal history� defined.

1. �Record of criminal history� means information contained in records collected and maintained by agencies of criminal justice, the subject of which is a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.073

�Sexual offense� defined.

1. �Sexual offense� includes acts upon a child constituting:

(a) Sexual assault under NRS 200.366;

(b) Statutory sexual seduction under NRS 200.368;

(c) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.075

Creation; duties of agencies of criminal justice and certain other agencies; duties and powers of Nevada Highway Patrol Division and Central Repository.

1. The Central Repository for Nevada Records ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.078

Uniform Program for Reporting Crimes; Advisory Committee to assist in establishing and carrying out Program.

1. The Director of the Department shall establish within the Central Repository a Uniform ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.080

Duties of Director of Department. The Director of the Department is responsible for administering this chapter and may adopt regulations for that purpose. The Director shall:

1. Adopt regulations ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.090

Prerequisite to dissemination of records; exceptions. No agency of criminal justice in Nevada may disseminate any record of criminal history which includes information about a felony or a gross misdemeanor ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.100

Records that may be disseminated without restriction; records that must be disseminated upon request; information that must be disseminated only with written consent.

1. The following records of criminal ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.105

Immunity of employer who fails to request information concerning criminal history of volunteer. An employer who fails to request information concerning the criminal history of a volunteer or prospective volunteer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.110

Further dissemination of information or records. No person who receives information relating to records of criminal history pursuant to this chapter or who receives information pursuant to NRS 179A.180 to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.120

Disclosures to victims of crime.

1. Agencies of criminal justice may disclose to victims of a crime, members of their families or their guardians the identity of persons suspected ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.130

Log to be maintained of dissemination of information relating to records of criminal history. Each agency of criminal justice which maintains and disseminates information relating to records of criminal history ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.140

Fee for furnishing information relating to records of criminal history; use of money collected.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an agency of criminal justice may charge ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.150

Inspection and correction of information contained in record of criminal history.

1. The Central Repository and each state, municipal, county or metropolitan police agency shall permit a person, who ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.160

Removal of certain records where disposition of case favorable to accused.

1. If a person has been arrested or issued a citation, or has been the subject of a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.175

Establishing Program; adoption of guidelines for collection of statistical data; report; data to be used only for research or statistical purposes.

1. The Director of the Department shall establish ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.180

Definitions. As used in NRS 179A.180 to 179A.240, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. �Employee� means a person who renders time and services to an employer, and whose ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.190

Notice of information may be disseminated to employers; use by employer; employer not liable for discrimination; other dissemination or release; offenses for which notice may be disseminated.

1. Notice ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.200

Employer may request notice of information; requirements for making request.

1. In addition to any other information which an employer is authorized to request pursuant to this chapter, an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.210

Request by employer for notice of information; search by Central Repository; dissemination of notice; written report required; correction of information; receipt of new information.

1. Upon receipt of a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.220

Hearings. All hearings arising under NRS 179A.180 to 179A.240, inclusive, must be held as provided in NRS 233B.121 to 233B.150, inclusive. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.230

When person who is subject of notice of information may bring action for damages; when child who is victim of offense committed by employee may bring action for damages against ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.240

Unlawful acts. A person who knowingly and willfully:

1. Uses NRS 179A.180 to 179A.240, inclusive, to obtain or seek to obtain information relating to the offenses listed in subsection ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.270

Legislative declaration. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that:

1. A significant number of offenders in Nevada have been convicted of sexual offenses. Many of these offenders have been ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.280

Definitions. As used in this section and NRS 179A.270 and 179A.290:

1. �Juvenile sex offender� means a child adjudicated delinquent for an act that, if committed by an adult, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.290

Establishment; purposes; assistance from Department of Corrections and Division of Parole and Probation; report; limitations.

1. The Director of the Department shall establish within the Central Repository a program ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.310

Creation; administration; purpose; regulations; failure to apply for grant or request background investigation is not evidence of negligence or causation.

1. The Revolving Account to Investigate the Background of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.315

Donations to Account: Forms and procedures; deposit with State Treasurer. A state or local governmental agency:

1. May establish forms and procedures for a person to donate money to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.350

Creation; contents; prompt entry of information; accessibility.

1. The Repository for Information Concerning Orders for Protection Against Domestic Violence is hereby created within the Central Repository.

2. Except ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.400

Creation; contents; retention of records; dissemination of information.

1. The Repository for Information Concerning Missing Persons is hereby created within the Central Repository.

2. The Repository for Information ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.410

Telephone service to disseminate information; availability; agencies of criminal justice to provide toll-free number upon request.

1. The Central Repository shall:

(a) Provide a toll-free telephone service for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.800

Enactment; text. The National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact is hereby ratified, enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions legally joining in the Compact, in substantially the form ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179A.900

Unlawful acts. Any person who:

1. Willfully requests, obtains or seeks to obtain records of criminal history under false pretenses;

2. Willfully communicates or seeks to communicate ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.010

Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179B.020 to 179B.140, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.020

�Central Repository� defined. �Central Repository� means the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.025

�Convicted� defined. �Convicted� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.035. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.030

�Crime against a child� defined. �Crime against a child� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.210. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.040

�Department� defined. �Department� means the Department of Public Safety. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.050

�Director� defined. �Director� means the Director of the Department. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.060

�Division� defined. �Division� means the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.070

�Law enforcement officer� defined. �Law enforcement officer� includes, but is not limited to:

1. A prosecuting attorney or an attorney from the Office of the Attorney General;

2. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.073

�Offender� defined. �Offender� means a sex offender or an offender convicted of a crime against a child. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.075

�Offender convicted of a crime against a child� defined. �Offender convicted of a crime against a child� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.216. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.080

�Program� defined. �Program� means the program established within the Central Repository pursuant to NRS 179B.250 to provide the public with access to certain information contained in the statewide registry. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.090

�Record of registration� defined. �Record of registration� means a record of registration that contains the information required by NRS 179D.150. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.100

�Requester� defined. �Requester� means a person who requests information from the program. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.110

�Sex offender� defined. �Sex offender� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.400. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.120

�Sexual offense� defined. Repealed. (See chapter 463, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 2873.) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.130

�Statewide registry� defined. �Statewide registry� means the statewide registry of sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child established within the central repository pursuant to NRS 179B.200. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.140

�Subject of the search� defined. �Subject of the search� means the person about whom a requester seeks information. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.200

Establishment of registry; contents; search of registry by law enforcement officer; access by other persons; contents deemed record of criminal history for limited purposes.

1. The Director shall establish ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.250

Establishment of program; information to be included with each inquiry to the program; duties authorizations and prohibitions of Central Repository.

1. The Department shall, in a manner prescribed by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.260

Use of fees collected from operation of program. Repealed. (See chapter 461, Statutes of Nevada 2003, at page 2831.) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179B.300

Prohibition on disclosing name of victim; immunity for Central Repository and law enforcement agencies.

1. Information in the statewide registry that is accessed or disclosed pursuant to the provisions ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.010

�Convicted person� defined.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, as used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, �convicted person� means:

(a) A person convicted ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.100

Registration with local law enforcement officer within 48 hours; duties and procedures; registration card may not be required; effect of restoration of civil rights.

1. It is unlawful for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.110

Convicted person to notify local law enforcement officer of change of address; procedure. A convicted person, except a nonresident, who is required to register under the provisions of this chapter ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.120

Fingerprinting of convicted persons. Each convicted person, at the time of registering and furnishing the information required by this chapter, shall be fingerprinted by the sheriff or chief of police, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.160

Registration information forwarded to Central Repository. Upon registering a convicted person pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, a sheriff or a chief of police shall forward all information concerning ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.170

Registration information placed in separate file; inspection of information; information may be transmitted to certain agencies and persons.

1. The statements and fingerprints provided for in this chapter must ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.200

Misleading information prohibited. No person required by any provision of this chapter to furnish a statement shall in such statement give any false or fictitious address or any address other ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.210

Continuing duty to furnish statement; separate offenses. The duty to furnish statements when and in the manner provided by this chapter is hereby declared to be a continuing one, and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179C.220

Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.010

Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179D.020 to 179D.120, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.015

�Campus police department� defined. �Campus police department� means any campus police department or campus security department at an institution of higher education. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.020

�Central Repository� defined. �Central Repository� means the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.030

�Community notification� defined. �Community notification� means notification of a community pursuant to the guidelines and procedures established by the Attorney General pursuant to NRS 179D.600 to 179D.800, inclusive. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.035

�Convicted� defined. �Convicted� includes, but is not limited to, an adjudication of delinquency or a finding of guilt by a court having jurisdiction over juveniles if the adjudication of delinquency ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.040

�Division� defined. �Division� means the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.045

�Institution of higher education� defined. �Institution of higher education� means:

1. A university, college or community college which is privately owned or which is part of the University and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.050

�Local law enforcement agency� defined. �Local law enforcement agency� means:

1. The sheriff�s office of a county;

2. A metropolitan police department; or

3. A police department ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.055

�Nonconsensual� defined. �Nonconsensual� means against the victim�s will or under conditions in which a person knows or reasonably should know that the victim is mentally or physically incapable of resisting, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.060

�Offense that poses a threat to the safety or well-being of others� defined.

1. �Offense that poses a threat to the safety or well-being of others� includes, but is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.065

�Primary address� defined. �Primary address� means the address at which:

1. A student primarily attends any course of academic or vocational instruction within this state.

2. A worker ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.070

�Record of registration� defined. �Record of registration� means a record of registration that contains the information required by NRS 179D.150. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.080

�Release� defined. �Release� means release from incarceration or confinement. The term includes, but is not limited to:

1. Release on probation, parole or any other type of supervised release.

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.090

�Resides� defined. �Resides� means the place where an offender resides or, if the offender is incarcerated or confined, the place where the offender will reside upon release. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.100

�Sexual penetration� defined. �Sexual penetration� means cunnilingus, fellatio or any intrusion, however slight, of any part of the victim�s body or any object manipulated or inserted by a person into ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.110

�Student� defined. �Student� means a person who is enrolled in and attends, on a full-time or part-time basis within this state, any course of academic or vocational instruction conducted by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.120

�Worker� defined.

1. �Worker� means a person who engages in or who knows or reasonably should know that he will engage in any type of occupation, employment, work or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.150

Contents. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 179D.530, a record of registration must include, if the information is available:

1. Information identifying the offender, including, but not limited to:

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.160


1. Except as otherwise provided by specific statute, a record of registration may be inspected only by a law enforcement officer in the regular course of his duties ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.170

Record and information concerning offender provided to FBI. Upon receiving from a local law enforcement agency, pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive:

1. A record of registration;


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.200

Definitions. As used in NRS 179D.200 to 179D.290, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179D.210 to 179D.220, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.210

�Crime against a child� defined. �Crime against a child� means any of the following offenses if the victim of the offense was less than 18 years of age when the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.214

�Nonresident offender who is a student or worker within this state� and �nonresident offender� defined. �Nonresident offender who is a student or worker within this state� and �nonresident offender� mean ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.216

�Offender convicted of a crime against a child� and �offender� defined.

1. �Offender convicted of a crime against a child� and �offender� mean a person who, after July 1, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.220

�Registration� defined. �Registration� means registration as an offender convicted of a crime against a child pursuant to NRS 179D.200 to 179D.290, inclusive. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.230

Registration after conviction; duties and procedure; offender informed of duty to register; effect of failure to inform; duties and procedure upon receipt of notification from another jurisdiction or FBI.


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.240

Registration with local law enforcement agency within 48 hours; duties of offender and procedure; local law enforcement agency to inform offender of his duties after registration; establishment of record of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.250

Offender to notify appropriate agencies of change of address and provide updated information; duties and procedure.

1. If an offender convicted of a crime against a child changes the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.260

Verification form.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, each year, on the anniversary of the date that the Central Repository establishes a record of registration for the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.270

Duration of duty to register; termination of duty; procedure; exceptions.

1. An offender convicted of a crime against a child shall comply with the provisions for registration for as ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.290

Prohibited acts; penalty. An offender convicted of a crime against a child who:

1. Fails to register with a local law enforcement agency;

2. Fails to notify the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.350

Definitions. As used in NRS 179D.350 to 179D.550, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179D.360 to 179D.430, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.360

�Mental disorder� defined. �Mental disorder� means a congenital or acquired condition affecting the emotional or volitional capacity of a person which predisposes that person to the commission of violent sexual ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.365

�Nonresident sex offender who is a student or worker within this state� and �nonresident sex offender� defined. �Nonresident sex offender who is a student or worker within this state� and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.370

�Personality disorder� defined. �Personality disorder� includes, but is not limited to, a personality disorder that is listed in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.380

�Qualified professional� defined. �Qualified professional� means a person who has received training in evaluating sex offenders and is:

1. A psychiatrist licensed to practice medicine in this state and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.390

�Registration� defined. �Registration� means registration as a sex offender pursuant to NRS 179D.350 to 179D.550, inclusive. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.400

�Sex offender� defined.

1. �Sex offender� means a person who, after July 1, 1956, is or has been:

(a) Convicted of a sexual offense listed in NRS 179D.410; ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.410

�Sexual offense� defined. �Sexual offense� means any of the following offenses:

1. Murder of the first degree committed in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of sexual assault or of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.420

�Sexually violent offense� defined. �Sexually violent offense� means any of the following offenses:

1. Murder of the first degree committed in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of sexual assault ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.430

�Sexually violent predator� defined. �Sexually violent predator� means:

1. A person who:

(a) Has been convicted of a sexually violent offense;

(b) Suffers from a mental disorder ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.450

Registration after conviction; duties and procedure; sex offender informed of duty to register; effect of failure to inform; duties and procedure upon receipt of notification from another jurisdiction or FBI.

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.460

Registration with local law enforcement agency within 48 hours; duties of sex offender and procedure; local law enforcement agency to inform sex offender of his duties after registration; establishment of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.470

Sex offender to notify appropriate agencies of change of address and provide updated information; duties and procedure.

1. If a sex offender changes the address at which he resides, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.480

Verification form.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 5, each year, on the anniversary of the date that the Central Repository establishes a record of registration ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.490

Duration of duty to register; termination of duty; procedure; exceptions.

1. A sex offender shall comply with the provisions for registration for as long as the sex offender resides ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.510

Petition by prosecuting attorney; procedure; access to records of sex offender; rights of confidentiality and privileges deemed waived.

1. If a sex offender is convicted of a sexually violent ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.530

Contents of record of registration for sexually violent predator. In addition to the information that must be included in a record of registration pursuant to NRS 179D.150, the record of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.550

Prohibited acts; penalty. A sex offender who:

1. Fails to register with a local law enforcement agency;

2. Fails to notify the local law enforcement agency of a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.600

Definitions. As used in NRS 179D.600 to 179D.800, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179D.605 to 179D.660, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.605

�Nonresident sex offender who is a student or worker within this state� and �nonresident sex offender� defined. �Nonresident sex offender who is a student or worker within this state� and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.610

�Sex offender� defined.

1. �Sex offender� means a person who, after July 1, 1956, is or has been:

(a) Convicted of a sexual offense listed in NRS 179D.620; ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.620

�Sexual offense� defined. �Sexual offense� means any of the following offenses:

1. Murder of the first degree committed in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of sexual assault or of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.630

�Sexually violent predator� defined. �Sexually violent predator� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 179D.430. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.640

�Tier 1 level of notification� defined. �Tier 1 level of notification� means community notification pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 179D.730. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.650

�Tier 2 level of notification� defined. �Tier 2 level of notification� means community notification pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 179D.730. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.660

�Tier 3 level of notification� defined. �Tier 3 level of notification� means community notification pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NRS 179D.730. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.700

Advisory Council for Community Notification; creation; members; vacancies; recommendations concerning notification.

1. There is hereby created an Advisory Council for Community Notification. The council consists of:

(a) Three ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.710

Attorney General to establish guidelines and procedures; uniform application; scope.

1. The Attorney General shall consult with the Advisory Council for Community Notification and shall establish guidelines and procedures ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.720

Assessment of risk of recidivism; factors considered; access to records of sex offender; rights of confidentiality and privileges deemed waived.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.730

Levels of notification; persons notified; when notification to include photograph; level of notification for sexually violent predator.

1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the guidelines and procedures ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.740

Notice to sex offender of level of notification assigned and procedure for reconsideration; exceptions. A sex offender who is assigned a Tier 2 or Tier 3 level of notification must ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.750

Change in level of notification after unlawful or harmful act.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5 of NRS 179D.720, if a sex offender has been assigned a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.760

Reassessment of risk of recidivism; termination of notification; procedure; exceptions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, if a sex offender is subject to community notification for an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.770

Disclosure of information by law enforcement agencies. The law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction a sex offender resides or is a student or worker shall disclose information regarding the sex ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.800

Attorney General to establish guidelines and procedures; disclosure of information; access to records of juvenile sex offender; rights of confidentiality and privileges deemed waived.

1. The Attorney General shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179D.850

Name of victim not to be disclosed; immunity from liability for certain entities and their officers and employees for act or omission relating to information obtained, maintained or disclosed.


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.015

�Property� defined. As used in NRS 179.015 to 179.115, inclusive, the term �property� includes documents, books, papers and any other tangible objects. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.025

Authority for issuance. A search warrant authorized by NRS 179.015 to 179.115, inclusive, may be issued by a magistrate of the State of Nevada. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.035

Grounds for issuance. A warrant may be issued under NRS 179.015 to 179.115, inclusive, to search for and seize any property:

1. Stolen or embezzled in violation of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.045

Issuance and contents; sealing information upon which warrant is based; time for serving warrant.

1. A search warrant may issue only on affidavit or affidavits sworn to before the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.055

Officer may break door to serve warrant after admittance refused; breaking of door or window to liberate officer or person acting in aid of officer; use of reasonable and necessary ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.065

Person charged with felony may be searched. When a person charged with a felony is supposed to have on his person a dangerous weapon, or anything which may be used ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.075

Execution and return of warrant with inventory.

1. The warrant may be executed and returned only within 10 days after its date.

2. The officer taking property under ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.085

Motion for return of property and to suppress evidence.

1. A person aggrieved by an unlawful search and seizure may move the court having jurisdiction where the property was ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.095

Return of papers to clerk. The magistrate who has issued a search warrant shall attach to the warrant the duplicate original warrant, if any, and a copy of the return, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.105

Retention of property taken on warrant by officer subject to court order; restoration of property to person from whom it was taken; technical irregularities will not quash warrant. All property ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.115

Scope. NRS 179.015 to 179.115, inclusive, do not modify any other statute regulating search, seizure and the issuance and execution of search warrants in circumstances for which special provision is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1156

Scope. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 207.350 to 207.520, inclusive, the provisions of NRS 179.1156 to 179.119, inclusive, govern the seizure, forfeiture and disposition of all property and proceeds ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1157

Definitions. As used in NRS 179.1156 to 179.119, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179.1158 to 179.11635, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1158

�Claimant� defined. �Claimant� means any person who claims to have:

1. Any right, title or interest of record in the property or proceeds subject to forfeiture;

2. Any ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1159

�Plaintiff� defined. �Plaintiff� means the law enforcement agency which has commenced a proceeding for forfeiture. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1161

�Proceeds� defined. �Proceeds� means any property, or that part of an item of property, derived directly or indirectly from the commission or attempted commission of a crime. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1162

�Property� defined. �Property� includes any:

1. Real property or interest in real property.

2. Fixture or improvement to real property.

3. Personal property, whether tangible or intangible, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1163

�Protected interest� defined. �Protected interest� means the enforceable interest of a claimant in property, which interest is shown not to be subject to forfeiture. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.11635

�Willful blindness� defined. �Willful blindness� means the intentional disregard of objective facts which would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the property was derived from unlawful activity or would ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1164

Property subject to seizure and forfeiture; exceptions.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the following property is subject to seizure and forfeiture in a proceeding for forfeiture:

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1165

Seizure of property: Requirement of process.

1. Except as provided in subsection 2, property that is subject to forfeiture may only be seized by a law enforcement agency upon ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1169

Title in property; transfer.

1. All right, title and interest in property subject to forfeiture vests in the plaintiff:

(a) In the case of property used or intended ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1171

Proceedings for forfeiture: Rules of practice; complaint; service of summons and complaint; answer; parties.

1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 179.1156 to 179.119, inclusive, the Nevada Rules of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1173

Proceedings for forfeiture: Priority over other civil matters; motion to stay; standard of proof; conviction of claimant not required; confidentiality of informants; return of property to claimant.

1. The ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1175

Disposition of property after seizure and forfeiture.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, after property has been seized the agency which seized the property may:

(a) ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.118

Distribution of proceeds from forfeited property.

1. The proceeds from any sale or retention of property declared to be forfeited and any interest accrued pursuant to subsection 2 of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1185

Issuance of certificate of title for forfeited vehicle or other conveyance. If a vehicle or other conveyance is forfeited of a kind which is subject to the provisions of title ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.1187

Establishment of account for proceeds from forfeited property; restrictions on use of money in account; distribution of certain amount to school district; duties of school district and chief administrative officer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.119

Reports by law enforcement agencies that receive forfeited property or related proceeds; inclusion of such anticipated revenue in budget prohibited.

1. Any law enforcement agency that receives forfeited property ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.121

Forfeiture of personal property and conveyances used in commission of crime.

1. All personal property, including, without limitation, any tool, substance, weapon, machine, computer, money or security, which is ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.125

Stolen or embezzled property held by peace officer subject to magistrate�s order. Except as provided in NRS 52.385, when property, alleged to have been stolen or embezzled, shall come into ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.135

Order for delivery to owner; payment of expenses. On satisfactory proof of the title of the owner of the property, the magistrate to whom the information is laid, or who ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.145

Magistrate to deliver property to owner when it comes into his custody; proof of title and payment of expenses. If the property stolen or embezzled come into the custody of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.155

Court may order return of property to owner. If the property stolen or embezzled has not been delivered to the owner, the court before which a conviction is had for ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.165

Notice must be provided by law enforcement agency to owner, pawnbroker and other interested persons; contents of notice; sale or disposal of unclaimed property by county treasurer; records.

1. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.177

Short title. NRS 179.177 to 179.235, inclusive, may be cited as the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.179

Definitions. As used in NRS 179.177 to 179.235, inclusive, unless the context requires otherwise:

1. �Executive authority� means the governor, and any person performing the functions of governor in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.181

Fugitives from justice; duty of Governor. Subject to the provisions of NRS 179.177 to 179.235, inclusive, the provisions of the Constitution of the United States controlling, and any and all ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.183

Form of demand. No demand for the extradition of a person charged with crime in another state shall be recognized by the Governor unless it is:

1. In writing ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.185

Governor may investigate case. When a demand is made upon the Governor of this state by the executive authority of another state for the surrender of a person so charged ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.187

Extradition of persons imprisoned or awaiting trial in another state or who have left demanding state under compulsion.

1. When it is desired to have returned to this state ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.189

Extradition of persons not present in demanding state at time of commission of crime. The Governor of this state may also surrender, on demand of the executive authority of any ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.191

Governor�s warrant of arrest.

1. If the Governor decides that the demand should be complied with, he shall sign a warrant of arrest, which must be sealed with the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.193

Manner and place of execution. Such warrant shall authorize the peace officer or other person to whom directed to:

1. Arrest the accused at any time and any place ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.195

Authority of arresting officer. Every such peace officer or other person empowered to make the arrest shall have the same authority, in arresting the accused, to command assistance therein as ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.197

Rights of accused person; application for writ of habeas corpus.

1. No person arrested upon such warrant shall be delivered over to the agent whom the executive authority demanding ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.199

Penalty for noncompliance with NRS 179.197. Any officer who delivers to the agent for extradition of the demanding state a person in his custody under the Governor�s warrant, in willful ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.201

Confinement in jail or detention facility when necessary.

1. The officer or persons executing the Governor�s warrant of arrest, or the agent of the demanding state to whom the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.203

Arrest before requisition.

1. Whenever any person within this state is charged on the oath of any credible person before any judge or magistrate of this state with the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.205

Arrest without warrant. The arrest of a person may be lawfully made also by any peace officer or a private person, without a warrant upon reasonable information that the accused ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.207

Commitment to await requisition; bail. If from the examination before the judge or magistrate it appears that the person held is the person charged with having committed the crime alleged ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.209

Bail: In what cases; conditions of bond. Unless the offense with which the prisoner is charged is shown to be an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment under the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.211

Extension of time of commitment; adjournment. If the accused is not arrested under warrant of the Governor by the expiration of the time specified in the warrant or bond, a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.213

Forfeiture of bail. If the prisoner is admitted to bail, and fails to appear and surrender himself according to the conditions of his bond, the judge, or magistrate by proper ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.215

Persons under criminal prosecution in this state at time of requisition. If a criminal prosecution has been instituted against such person under the laws of this state and is still ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.217

Guilt or innocence of accused: When inquired into. The guilt or innocence of the accused as to the crime of which he is charged may not be inquired into by ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.219

Governor may recall warrant or issue alias. The Governor may recall his warrant of arrest or may issue another warrant whenever he deems proper. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.221

Fugitives from this state; duty of Governor. Whenever the Governor of this state demands a person charged with crime or with escaping from confinement or breaking the terms of his ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.223

Application for issuance of requisition: By whom made; contents.

1. When the return to this state of a person charged with crime in this state is required, the district ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.225

Costs and expenses.

1. If the punishment of the crime is the confinement of the criminal in prison, the expenses must be paid from money appropriated to the Office ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.227

Immunity from service of process in certain civil actions. A person brought into this State by, or after waiver of, extradition based on a criminal charge shall not be subject ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.229

Written waiver of extradition proceedings.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, a person arrested in this State who is charged with having committed a crime in another ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.231

Nonwaiver by this State. Nothing contained in NRS 179.177 to 179.235, inclusive, shall be deemed to constitute a waiver by this State of its right, power or privilege to try ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.233

No right of asylum; no immunity from other criminal prosecutions while in this State. After a person has been brought back to this State by or after waiver of extradition ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.235

Interpretation. The provisions of NRS 179.177 to 179.235, inclusive, shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate their general purposes to make uniform the law of those states which ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.245

Sealing records after conviction: Persons eligible; petition; notice; hearing; order.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 5 and NRS 176A.265, 179.259 and 453.3365, a person may petition the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.255

Sealing records after dismissal or acquittal: Petition; notice; hearing; order.

1. If a person has been arrested for alleged criminal conduct and the charges are dismissed or such person ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.259

Sealing records after completion of program for reentry: Persons eligible; procedure; order; inspection of sealed records by professional licensing board.

1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 3 and ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.265

Rehearings after denial of petition: Time for; number.

1. A person whose petition is denied under NRS 179.245 or 179.255 may petition for a rehearing not sooner than 2 ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.275

Order sealing records: Distribution to Central Repository and persons named in order; compliance. Where the court orders the sealing of a record pursuant to NRS 176A.265, 179.245, 179.255, 179.259 or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.285

Order sealing records: Effect; proceedings deemed never to have occurred; restoration of civil rights. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 179.301:

1. If the court orders a record sealed ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.295

Reopening of sealed records.

1. The person who is the subject of the records that are sealed pursuant to NRS 176A.265, 179.245, 179.255, 179.259 or 453.3365 may petition the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.301

Inspection of sealed records by certain agencies.

1. The State Gaming Control Board and the Nevada Gaming Commission and their employees, agents and representatives may inquire into and inspect ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.310

Reward for apprehension of robber.

1. The Governor shall offer a standing reward of $250 for the arrest of:

(a) Each person engaged in the robbery of, or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.315

Use of authorized forms.

1. Unless otherwise expressly required by this title, no particular form of words is required to be used in any pleading, warrant, order, motion or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.320

Warrant of arrest. A warrant of arrest may be in substantially the following form:

County of ............................... The State of Nevada, to any sheriff, constable, marshal, policeman, or peace ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.325

Summons. A summons may be in substantially the following form:

State of Nevada }


County of................................................... }

The State of Nevada to the (naming defendant or corporation):

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.330

Search warrant. A search warrant may be in substantially the following form:

State of Nevada }


County of................................................... }

The State of Nevada, to any peace officer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.335

Motion for return of seized property and suppression of evidence. A motion for the return of seized property and the suppression of evidence may be in substantially the following form:

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.340

Bail: After arrest and before preliminary examination. An undertaking for bail after arrest and before preliminary examination may be in substantially the following form:

A warrant having been issued ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.345

Endorsement on warrant of arrest for commitment for preliminary examination. An endorsement on a warrant of arrest for commitment for preliminary examination may be in substantially the following form:


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.350

Discharge after preliminary examination. A discharge after preliminary examination may be in substantially the following form:

There being no sufficient cause to believe the within-named A. B. guilty of ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.355

Commitment and bail after preliminary examination. Commitment and bail may be in substantially the following form:

It appearing to me by the within depositions and statement (if any) that ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.360

Commitment where defendant held to answer after preliminary examination. A commitment where defendant is held to answer after a preliminary examination may be in substantially the following form:

County ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.365

Bail after preliminary examination and before arraignment. An undertaking for bail after preliminary examination and before arraignment may be in substantially the following form:

An order having been made ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.370

Indictment. An indictment may be substantially in the following form:

State of Nevada }


County of .................................................. }

The State of Nevada, plaintiff, against A. B., defendant ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.375

Information. An information may be in substantially the following form:

State of Nevada }


County of .................................................. }

In the ....................... court. The State of Nevada against ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.380

Warrant upon finding of presentment, indictment or information. A warrant upon the finding of a presentment, indictment or information may be in substantially the following form:

County of ........................ ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.385

Bail after arrest on warrant following finding of presentment, indictment or information. An undertaking for bail after arrest on a warrant following the finding of a presentment, indictment or information ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.390

Subpoena; subpoena duces tecum. A subpoena or subpoena duces tecum may be in substantially the following form:

The State of Nevada to A. B.: You are commanded to appear ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.395

Bench warrant after conviction. A bench warrant may be in substantially the following form:

State of Nevada }


County of........................................................ }


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.400

Undertaking on recommitment. When bail is taken upon the recommitment of the defendant, the undertaking shall be in substantially the following form:

An order having been made on the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.410

Definitions. As used in NRS 179.410 to 179.515, inclusive, except where the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 179.415 to 179.455, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.415

�Aggrieved person� defined. �Aggrieved person� means a person who was a party to any intercepted wire or oral communication or a person against whom the interception was directed. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.420

�Contents� defined. �Contents� when used with respect to any wire or oral communication includes any information concerning the identity of the parties to such communication or the existence, substance, purport ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.425

�Electronic, mechanical or other device� defined. �Electronic, mechanical or other device� means any device or apparatus which can be used to intercept a wire or oral communication other than:


Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.430

�Intercept� defined. �Intercept� means the aural acquisition of the contents of any wire or oral communication through the use of any electronic, mechanical or other device or of any sending ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.435

�Investigative or law enforcement officer� defined. �Investigative or law enforcement officer� means any officer of the State or a political subdivision thereof who is empowered by the law of this ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.440

�Oral communication� defined. �Oral communication� means any verbal message uttered by a person exhibiting an expectation that such communication is not subject to interception, under circumstances justifying such expectation. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.445

�Person� defined. �Person� means any official, employee or agent of the United States or any state or political subdivision thereof, and any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust or corporation. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.450

�State� defined. �State� means any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and any territory or possession of the United States. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.455

�Wire communication� defined. �Wire communication� means any communication made in whole or in part through the use of facilities for the transmission of communications by the aid of wire, cable ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.458

Provisions inapplicable to recording of certain telephone calls by public utility. The provisions of NRS 179.410 to 179.515, inclusive, do not prohibit the recording of any telephone call by a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.460

Cases in which interception of wire or oral communications may be authorized.

1. The Attorney General or the district attorney of any county may apply to a Supreme Court ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.465

Disclosure or use of intercepted communications.

1. Any investigative or law enforcement officer who, by any means authorized by NRS 179.410 to 179.515, inclusive, or 704.195 or 18 U.S.C. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.470

Application for order authorizing interception of communications; prerequisites to issuance of order.

1. Each application for an order authorizing the interception of a wire or oral communication must be ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.475

Order authorizing interception of communications: Contents; duration; extension.

1. Each order authorizing the interception of any wire or oral communication shall specify:

(a) The identity of the person, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.480

Progress reports to judge. Whenever an order authorizing interception is entered pursuant to NRS 179.410 to 179.515, inclusive, the order may require reports to be made to the judge who ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.485

Recording. The contents of any wire or oral communication intercepted by any means authorized by NRS 179.410 to 179.515, inclusive, shall, if possible, be recorded on tape or wire or ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.490

Sealing of applications and orders; disclosure.

1. Applications made and orders granted under this statute shall be sealed by the judge. Custody of the applications and orders shall be ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.495

Notice to parties to intercepted communications.

1. Within a reasonable time but not later than 90 days after the termination of the period of an order or any extension ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.500

Contents of intercepted communications inadmissible in evidence unless transcript provided to parties before trial. The contents of any intercepted wire or oral communication or evidence derived therefrom shall not be ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.505

Motion to suppress.

1. Any aggrieved person in any trial, hearing or proceeding in or before any court, department, officer, agency or other authority of this State, or a ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.510

Appeal by State from order granting motion to suppress. In addition to any other right to appeal the State may appeal from an order granting a motion to suppress made ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.515

Reports by justices of Supreme Court, district judges, Attorney General and district attorneys.

1. In January of each year, the Attorney General and the district attorney of each county ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.525

Temporary changes in telephone service permitted where hostages are being held or suspects are barricaded.

1. A supervising peace officer who, with other officers, or any peace officer who, ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.530

Order authorizing use of pen register or trap and trace device.

1. District courts of this state may issue orders authorizing the use of a pen register or trap ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 179.535

Receipt for property taken from person arrested for public offense. When money or other property is taken from a defendant arrested upon a charge of a public offense, the officer ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.010

Office created; term; qualifications; private practice of law prohibited; supervision; assignment of additional duties.

1. The Office of State Public Defender is hereby created within the Department of Human ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.030

Employment of deputies and other employees; qualifications of deputies.

1. The State Public Defender may employ:

(a) Deputy state public defenders in the unclassified service of the State.

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.040

Office; branch offices.

1. The Office of the State Public Defender shall be in Carson City, Nevada, and the Buildings and Grounds Division of the Department of Administration shall ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.050

Contracts for legal services.

1. The State Public Defender may contract with attorneys licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada and with county public defenders to provide ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.060

Duties: Representation of indigent persons; contracts to render services.

1. The State Public Defender may, before being designated as counsel for that person pursuant to NRS 171.188, interview an ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.070

Reports from other attorneys appointed to represent indigents required. Any attorney other than a public defender or deputy public defender who is appointed to represent an indigent shall report to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.080

Duties: Reports to Governor, participating counties and Legislative Commission.

1. The State Public Defender shall submit:

(a) A report on or before December 1 of each year to ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.090

Application. Except as provided in subsections 4 and 5 of NRS 180.060, the provisions of this chapter apply only to counties in which the office of public defender has not ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.100

Other protections and sanctions not excluded. The provisions of this chapter do not exclude any protection or sanction that the law otherwise provides. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 180.110

Collection of charges to counties for services.

1. Each fiscal year the State Public Defender may collect from the counties amounts which do not exceed those authorized by the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.005

Applicability of other provisions of title. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter, criminal proceedings in justices� courts are governed by the provisions of this title. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.007

Grounds for dismissal of complaint. Any complaint, upon motion of the defendant, may be dismissed by the justice of the peace upon any of the following grounds:

1. That ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.010

Appeal must be taken within 10 days. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 177.015, a defendant in a criminal action tried before a justice of the peace may appeal from ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.020

Notice of intention to appeal: Filing and service; stay of judgment pending appeal.

1. The party intending to appeal must file with the justice and serve upon the district ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.030

Transmission of transcript, other papers, sound recording and copy of docket to district court.

1. The justice shall, within 10 days after the notice of appeal is filed, transmit ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.035

Procedure where transcript defective.

1. Except as provided in subsection 2, if the district court finds that the transcript of a case which was recorded by sound recording equipment ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.050

Action to be judged on record. An appeal duly perfected transfers the action to the district court to be judged on the record. ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.060

Grounds for dismissal of appeal; enforcement of judgment.

1. The appeal may be dismissed on either of the following grounds:

(a) For failure to take the same in ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.065

Dismissal for failure to set or reset appeal for hearing.

1. An appeal must be dismissed by the district court unless perfected by application of the defendant, within 60 ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.070

Grounds for dismissal of complaint on appeal. Any complaint, upon motion of the defendant, may be dismissed upon any of the following grounds:

1. That the justice of the ...

Nevada Revised Statutes Section 189.120

Appeal by State from order granting defendant�s motion to suppress evidence.

1. The State may appeal to the district court from an order of a justice�s court granting the ...

Last modified: February 25, 2006