“Offense that poses a threat to the safety or well-being of others” defined.
1. “Offense that poses a threat to the safety or well-being of others” includes, but is not limited to, an offense that involves:
(a) A victim less than 18 years of age;
(b) A crime against a child as defined in NRS 179D.210;
(c) A sexual offense as defined in NRS 179D.410;
(d) A deadly weapon, explosives or a firearm;
(e) The use or threatened use of force or violence;
(f ) Physical or mental abuse;
(g) Death or bodily injury;
(h) An act of domestic violence;
(i) Harassment, stalking, threats of any kind or other similar acts;
( j) The forcible or unlawful entry of a home, building, structure, vehicle or other real or personal property; or
(k) The infliction or threatened infliction of damage or injury, in whole or in part, to real or personal property.
2. The term includes any offense listed in subsection 1 that is committed in this state or another jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, an offense prosecuted in:
(a) A tribal court.
(b) A court of the United States or the Armed Forces of the United States.
Last modified: February 25, 2006