26:2H-13. Violations; penalties; notice; hearing
In addition to authority granted to the department by this act or any other law, the department after serving the licensee with specific charges in writing, may assess penalties and collect the same within the limitations imposed by this act, deny, place on probationary or provisional license, revoke or suspend any and all licenses granted under authority of this act to any person, firm, partnership, corporation or association violating or failing to comply with the provisions of this act, or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.
Notice of the assessment of penalties, revocation, suspension, the placing on probationary or provisional license or denial of a license together with a specification of charges shall be served on the applicant or licensee, personally or sent by certified mail to the address of record and the notice shall set forth the particular reasons for the assessment, denial, suspension, the placing on probationary or provisional license or revocation of the license. Such assessment, denial, suspension, the placing on probationary or provisional license, or revocation shall become effective 30 days after mailing, unless the applicant or licensee, within such 30-day period shall meet the requirements of the department or shall file with the department a written answer to the charges and give written notice to the department of its desire for a hearing in which case the assessment, denial, suspension, the placing on probationary or provisional license, or revocation may be held in abeyance until the hearing has been concluded and a final decision rendered.
The department shall afford the licensee an opportunity for a prompt hearing on the question of the assessment of penalties, the issuance, suspension or the placing on a probationary or provisional license, or revocation of the license. The procedure governing such hearings shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the department. Either party may be represented by counsel of his own choosing, and shall have the right to subpoena witnesses and to compel their attendance on forms furnished by the department.
The commissioner shall arrange for prompt and fair hearings on all such cases, render written decisions stating conclusions and reasons therefor upon each matter so heard, and is empowered to enter orders of denial, suspension, placing on probationary or provisional license or revocation consistent with the circumstances in each case, and may assess penalties and collect the same within the limitations imposed by this act.
L.1971, c. 136, s. 13.
Section: Previous 26-2h-12.73 26-2h-12.74 26-2h-12.75 26-2h-12.76 26-2h-12.77 26-2h-12.78 26-2h-12.79 26-2h-13 26-2h-13.1 26-2h-14 26-2h-14.1 26-2h-14.2 26-2h-14.3 26-2h-14.4 26-2h-14.5 Next
Last modified: October 11, 2016