26:2J-10.1. Coverage provided by health maintenance organization for subscriber's child
13. a. A health maintenance organization contract or certificate in which dependent coverage is available shall not deny coverage for an enrollee's child for health care services on the grounds that:
(1) The child was born out of wedlock;
(2) The child is not claimed as a dependent on the enrollee's federal tax return; or
(3) The child does not reside with the enrollee or in the health maintenance organization's service area, provided that the child complies with the terms and conditions of the coverage with respect to the use of specified providers.
b. If a child has coverage through a health maintenance organization plan of a noncustodial parent, the health maintenance organization shall:
(1) Provide such information to the custodial parent as may be necessary for the child to obtain health care services through the child's noncustodial parent's coverage;
(2) Permit the custodial parent, or the health care provider with the authorization of the custodial parent, to submit claims for health care services without the approval of the noncustodial parent; and
(3) Make payments on claims submitted in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection directly to the custodial parent, the health care provider or the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services in the Department of Human Services which administers the State Medicaid program, as appropriate.
c. When a parent who is the enrollee is eligible for dependent coverage and is required by a court or administrative order to provide health insurance coverage for his child, the health maintenance organization shall:
(1) Permit the parent to enroll his child as a dependent, without regard to any enrollment season restrictions;
(2) Permit the child's other parent, or the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services as the State Medicaid agency or the Division of Family Development as the State IV-D agency, in the Department of Human Services, to enroll the child if the parent who is the enrollee fails to enroll the child; and
(3) Not terminate coverage of the child unless the parent who is the enrollee provides the health maintenance organization with satisfactory written evidence that: the court or administrative order is no longer in effect; or the child is or will be enrolled in a comparable health benefits plan whose coverage will be effective on the date of the termination of coverage.
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Last modified: October 11, 2016