30:4D-25. Legislative findings and declarations
The Legislature hereby finds and declares:
That the "Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged" program originally provided for the reimbursement of 80% of the prescription drug costs of low-income senior citizens who had met an income-related deductible drug expense;
That this program, designed to ease the burden of spiraling drug costs for senior citizens of modest incomes, was later modified to facilitate and simplify access to the program by requiring eligible senior citizens to pay $1.00 for each prescription drug at the time of purchase, with the State reimbursing the remainder of the cost directly to the pharmacist;
That the overwhelming success of the program, which currently boasts an enrollment of over 270,000 senior citizens, has resulted in costs far greater than those anticipated;
That although the Legislature is desirous of continuing the program as it currently exists, it recognizes that fiscal constraints and a heightened public awareness of the taxpayer's burden in this State makes it necessary to increase the share now paid by eligible senior citizens and reduce anticipated increases in the State contributions to the program in the future; and that therefore
A long-term legislative solution is now necessary which establishes this excellent and salutary program on a sound fiscal basis at a level within the means of the Treasury, thereby enabling it to continue without further substantial modification.
L.1978, c. 171, s. 1.
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Last modified: October 11, 2016