New Jersey Revised Statutes § 30:5b-6.3 - Written Consent For Check Of Records.

30:5B-6.3 Written consent for check of records.

3. a. The staff member shall provide prior written consent for the division to conduct a check of its child abuse records.

b.If the owner or sponsor of the center refuses to consent to, or cooperate in, the securing of a division child abuse record information check, the department shall suspend, deny, revoke or refuse to renew the center's license or approval, as appropriate.

c.If a staff member of a center, other than the owner or sponsor, refuses to consent to, or cooperate in, the securing of a division child abuse record information check, the person shall be immediately terminated from employment at the center.

L.1997,c.254,s.3; amended 2004, c.130, s.96.

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Last modified: October 11, 2016