161-a. Implementation of negotiated agreements. 1. Where, and to the extent that, an agreement between the state and an employee organization entered into pursuant to article fourteen of this chapter provides for health benefits, the president, after receipt of written directions from the director of employee relations, shall implement the provisions of such agreement consistent with the terms thereof and to the extent necessary shall adopt regulations providing for the benefits to be thereunder provided. The president, with the approval of the director of the budget, may extend such benefits, in whole or in part, to employees not subject to the provisions of such agreement.
2. Insofar as the provisions of this section are inconsistent with any other act, general or special, or any rule or regulation adopted thereunder, the provisions of this section shall be controlling and insofar as the regulations promulgated by the president pursuant to subdivision one of this section are inconsistent with any rule or regulation, the provisions of such regulations shall be controlling.
3. There is hereby created a council on employee health insurance to supervise the administration of changes to the health benefit plan negotiated in collective negotiations and to provide continuing policy direction to insurance plans administered by the state the provisions of any other law to the contrary notwithstanding. The council shall consist of the president, the director of the division of the budget, and the director of employee relations.
Last modified: February 3, 2019