- 825 - District Attorneys in Certain Counties.
The district attorneys of Erie, Monroe and Onondaga counties may each appoint in and for his county, in the manner provided in section seven hundred...
- 826 - Regional Markets.
The board of supervisors of a county located within any regional market district heretofore or hereafter created by law may purchase, acquire, or accept by...
- 827 - Enforcement of Environmental Conservation Law in Certain Counties.
In those counties wherein the state owns a park, forest preserve, reforested area, hatchery, nursery, game refuge, or wherein the state has established and controls...
- 828 - Highway Construction by Local Assessment in Certain Counties.
The governing body of any county containing a population of less than two hundred thousand and adjoining a city of the first class may authorize...
- 829 - Teachers' Training in Certain Counties.
In order to provide an adequate number of teachers to be available for employment in the public schools in the county, the board of supervisors...
- 830 - Expenses of District Superintendents of Schools in Certain Counties.
In the counties of Westchester, Suffolk, Monroe and Erie, the board of supervisors may appropriate and provide for the payment upon verified vouchers of expenses...
- 831 - Soldier Burial Plots in Dutchess County.
The legislature of the county of Dutchess may authorize the purchase of burial plots and provide for marker settings and perpetual care and maintenance of...
- 832 - Burial Contracts in Erie County.
The board of supervisors of the county of Erie shall have power exclusively, and it shall be its duty to contract annually with one or...
- 833 - Rifle Range in Erie County.
The board of supervisors of Erie county is hereby authorized to purchase land, construct and maintain thereon a rifle, machine gun and pistol range primarily...
- 834 - Social Welfare Appropriations in Essex County.
1. The board of supervisors of Essex county may annually appropriate such sums as it may deem proper, not exceeding the sum of five thousand...
- 834-a - Advance Payment of Portion of Welfare Charges to Hospitals and Day Care Centers.
Where a contract has been entered into between a social services district and a hospital, pursuant to section three hundred sixty-seven of the social services...
- 835 - Jefferson County Hospital for Contagious Diseases.
The board of supervisors of the county of Jefferson is hereby authorized to maintain and operate a hospital in such county for the treatment and...
- 836 - Soldier Burial Plots in Niagara County.
The board of supervisors of the county of Niagara may provide for the perpetual care and maintenance of burial plots and burial places of deceased...
- 837 - Niagara Frontier Bridge.
The boards of supervisors of Erie and Niagara counties, or either of them, may each agree and undertake to provide and make available, and to...
- 838 - Traffic Signals in Onondaga County.
The board of supervisors of Onondaga county may annually appropriate such sums as it may deem proper for the installation and maintenance of traffic signals...
- 839 - Deputy Comptroller in Oneida County.
The county comptroller of the county of Oneida may, after entering upon the duties of his office, designate two of the assistants or clerks in...
- 840 - Memorial Day in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
The board of supervisors of the counties of Nassau and Suffolk may each appropriate annually an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars for the...
- 841 - Aviation Fields in Nassau County.
The board of supervisors in Nassau county may appropriate annually and provide for the expenditure of such sums as it may deem proper not to...
- 842 - Harbor Improvements in Suffolk County.
The board of supervisors of Suffolk county may provide for widening, deepening or dredging any bay, harbor, inlet or channel or for the construction of...
- 843 - Advancing School Taxes in Suffolk County.
In Suffolk county the county treasurer shall advance to the several school districts within said county, in anticipation of the collection of the school tax...
- 844 - Hurricane or Storm Damage in Suffolk County.
The board of supervisors of the county of Suffolk may provide for the improvement or reconstruction of beaches or shore front within the county, to...
- 845 - Lake George Fish Screens in Warren County.
The board of supervisors of the county of Warren may by resolution, appropriate and pay out such sums of money as it may deem necessary...
- 849 - Appropriations for Conservation Purposes in Washington County.
1. The board of supervisors of Washington county is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement or agreements with the board of supervisors...
- 850 - State Office Buildings and Other Public Improvements in Certain Counties.
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, general, special or local, every county is hereby authorized and empowered: (a) To acquire by purchase, gift or...
- 852 - Loans of Money or Credit to Hospitals or Health Related Facilities in Suffolk County.
Notwithstanding any general, special or local law or charter provision to the contrary, the county legislature of the county of Suffolk shall have the power...
Last modified: February 3, 2019