- 100 - Who May Be Exempted, and by What Court.
An insolvent debtor may be exempted from arrest, or discharged from imprisonment, as prescribed in this article. For that purpose, he must apply, by petition,...
- 101 - Contents of Petition.
The petition must be in writing; it must be signed by the insolvent, and specify his residence, and also, if he is in prison, the...
- 102 - Petitioner's Schedule.
The petitioner must annex to his petition, a schedule, in all respects similar to that required of an insolvent, as prescribed in section sixty-three of...
- 103 - Petitioner's Affidavit.
An affidavit, in the following form, subscribed and taken by the petitioner, before the county judge, or, in the city of New York, before a...
- 104 - Order to Show Cause.
The petition, and the papers annexed thereto, must be presented to the court, and filed with the clerk. The court must thereupon make an order,...
- 105 - Proceedings on Return of Order.
The provisions of sections sixty-seven, sixty-eight, sixty-nine, seventy, seventy-one, seventy-three, and seventy-four of this chapter apply to a special proceeding, taken as prescribed in this
- 106 - Order Directing Assignment; Assignment Pursuant Thereto.
An order, directing the execution of an assignment, must be made by the court, where it appears, by the verdict of the jury, or, if...
- 107 - When Discharge to Be Granted; Effect Thereof.
Upon the production by the petitioner, of the certificates of the trustee or trustees, and the county clerk, to the effect prescribed in section seventy-nine...
- 108 - Discharge and Other Papers to Be Recorded.
The provisions of section eighty-two of this chapter apply to the discharge, and to the petition and other papers upon which it was granted.
- 109 - Petitioner to Be Released From Imprisonment.
If, at the time the discharge is granted, the petitioner is imprisoned, by virtue of an execution against his person issued, or of an order...
- 110 - Debts and Demands Not Affected.
A debt, demand, judgment, or decree, against an insolvent, discharged as prescribed in this article, is not affected or impaired by the discharge; but it...
- 111 - Discharge, When Void.
A discharge, granted to an insolvent as prescribed in this article, is void, in the same cases, so far as they are applicable, in which...
Last modified: February 3, 2019