New York Environmental Conservation Law Title 3 - GENERAL PROVISIONS
- 23-0301 - Declaration of Policy.
It is hereby declared to be in the public interest to regulate the development, production and utilization of natural resources of oil and gas in...
- 23-0303 - Administration of Article.
1. Except to the extent that the administration of this article is specifically entrusted to other agencies or officers of the state by its provisions,...
- 23-0305 - Powers and Duties of the Commissioner and the Department.
1. The provisions of this section shall apply only to rules, regulations, orders and hearings made or conducted in the administration of this article. 2....
- 23-0309 - Severability.
The provisions of this article shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this article, or the applicability thereof to any...
- 23-0311 - New York State Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Advisory Board.
1. A thirteen member New York state oil, gas and solution mining advisory board shall be created within the department to advise and assist the...
- 23-0313 - Public Access to Records.
1. a. Any records or reports or portions thereof pertaining to the production, sale, purchase, acquisition, storage or injection of oil and gas and associated...
Last modified: February 3, 2019