* 29-k. Quarterly claim reports. The governor's office of storm recovery, shall produce a quarterly report, which shall provide the number of all active single family housing applicants by county that have received partial or full payments; the number of all eligible, active single family housing applicants by county who have not yet received any payments; the number of active single family housing applicants by county who have not received payment and are pending an eligibility review; the number of all active single family housing applicants by county whose application status has not been closed out; the number of all single family housing applicants by county that have been closed out; the number of all single family housing applicants by county that have not received payment because they have been determined to have no unmet need or have been determined ineligible to receive assistance; the number of all active small business applicants by county that have received partial or full payments; the number of all eligible, active small business applicants by county who have not yet received any payments; the number of active small business applicants by county who have not received payment and are pending an eligibility review; the number of all active small business applicants by county whose application status has not been closed out; the number of all small business applicants by county that have been closed out; the number of all small business applicants by county that have not received payment because they have been determined to have no unmet need or have been determined ineligible to receive assistance; the total number of subrecipient agreements by county for the New York rising community reconstruction program, and the status of all community reconstruction projects by county that are in the design or construction phases. The report shall provide the same information cumulatively for the previous reporting periods. The first report required under this subdivision shall be delivered by February fifteenth, two thousand sixteen, with new, updated reports being delivered on each first day of every third month thereafter. The report shall be provided to the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the assembly and shall be posted on the governor's office of storm recovery's public website.
* NB Repealed December 2, 2019
Last modified: February 3, 2019