1013. Medical advisory board. 1. The medical advisory board created pursuant to chapter nine hundred twelve of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty, and subsequent amendments thereto is hereby continued without interruption. It shall remain a division of the state athletic commission, and shall consist of nine members to be appointed by the governor. The governor shall designate one of such members as chairperson of the advisory board. The term of a member thereafter appointed, except to fill a vacancy, shall be three years from the expiration of the term of his predecessor. Upon the appointment of a successor to the chairperson of the advisory board, the governor shall designate such successor or other member of the advisory board as chairperson. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of term, shall be filled by appointment by the governor for the remainder only of the term. Each member of the advisory board shall be duly licensed to practice medicine in the state of New York, and at the time of his or her appointment have had at least five years' experience in the practice of his or her profession. The members of the advisory board shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the commission within the amount provided by appropriation, and shall be allowed and paid necessary traveling and other expenses incurred by them, respectively, in the performance of their duties hereunder.
2. The advisory board shall have power and it shall be the duty of the board to prepare and submit to the commission for approval regulations and standards for the physical examination of professionals including, without limitation, pre-fight and post-fight examinations and periodic comprehensive examinations. The board shall continue to serve in an advisory capacity to the commission and from time to time prepare and submit to the commission for approval, such additional regulations and standards of examination as in their judgment will safeguard the physical welfare of professionals licensed by the commission. The advisory board shall recommend to the commission from time to time such qualified physicians, who may be designated and employed by the commission for the purpose of conducting physical examinations of professionals and other services as the rules of the commission shall provide. Such physicians, if so employed, shall receive compensation as fixed by the commission within amounts appropriated therefor. The provisions of section seventeen of the public officers law shall apply to any physician who:
(a) is designated and employed by the commission; and
(b) is rendering professional services on behalf of the commission to professionals.
3. The advisory board shall develop or recommend appropriate medical education programs for all commission personnel involved in the conduct of authorized combative sports so that such personnel can recognize and act upon evidence of potential or actual adverse medical indications in a participant prior to, during or after the course of a match.
4. The advisory board shall review the credentials and performance of each commission physician on an annual basis.
5. The advisory board shall advise the commission on any study of equipment, procedures or personnel which will, in their opinion, promote the safety of professionals.
Last modified: February 3, 2019