765. Penalties and liabilities. 1. Civil penalties. a. Failure to comply with any provision of this article shall subject an excavator or an operator to a civil penalty of up to two thousand five hundred dollars for the first violation and up to an additional ten thousand dollars for each succeeding violation that occurs within a twelve month period.
b. The penalties provided for by this article shall not apply to an excavator who damages an underground facility due to the failure of the operator to comply with any of the provisions of this article nor shall in such instance the excavator be liable for repairs as prescribed in subdivision four of this section.
* c. An action to recover a penalty under this article may be brought in the supreme court in the judicial district in which the violation was alleged to have occurred which shall be commenced and prosecuted by the attorney general. The public service commission shall, pursuant to section one hundred nineteen-b of the public service law, forward to the attorney general its determination of the amount of the penalty for violations of rules and regulations adopted to implement the requirements of this article. Upon receipt of such determination, the attorney general may commence an action to recover such penalty. All moneys recovered in any such action, together with the costs thereof, and all moneys recovered as the result of any such public service commission determination shall be paid into the underground facilities safety training account established pursuant to section ninety-seven-www of the state finance law.
* NB Effective until October 1, 2020
* c. An action to recover a penalty under this article may be brought in the supreme court in the judicial district in which the violation was alleged to have occurred which shall be commenced and prosecuted by the attorney general. The public service commission shall, pursuant to section one hundred nineteen-b of the public service law, forward to the attorney general its determination of the amount of the penalty for violations or rules and regulations adopted to implement the requirements of this article. Upon receipt of such determination, the attorney general may commence an action to recover such penalty. All moneys recovered in any such action, together with the costs thereof, shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the general fund.
* NB Effective October 1, 2020
2. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, nothing in this article shall impair, limit or reduce the statutory, common law or contractual duties or tort or other liability of any excavator excavating or demolishing in the vicinity of underground facilities.
3. Any excavator engaging in or proposing to engage in excavation or demolition in a negligent or unsafe manner, which has resulted in or is likely to result in damage to underground facilities in such a manner that life, property or the continuation of operator service is endangered, may be enjoined from such excavation or demolition or any aspect thereof upon application of the operator owning the facilities or the attorney general made in supreme court having jurisdiction in the county wherein the excavation or demolition or proposed excavation or demolition is to take place. Three or more instances of damage by an excavator to underground facilities in the course of the entire self-same excavation or demolition activity shall be prima facie grounds for enjoining the excavator from further performance of the excavation or demolition activity.
4. In the event that, as a result of a violation of any of the provisions of this article by an excavator, it is necessary that an operator make any repair to or provide new support to an underground facility, the excavator shall be liable to the operator for reasonable costs so incurred.
Last modified: February 3, 2019