- 89-Ooo - Short Title.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "armored car guard act."
- 89-Ppp - Definitions.
When used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services....
- 89-Qqq - Qualifications for an Armored Car Guard Registration Card.
No applicant shall have been convicted of a serious offense, or of a misdemeanor which, in the discretion of the secretary, bears such a relationship...
- 89-Rrr - Application for Registration Card.
An application for an armored car guard registration card shall be verified and subscribed by the applicant and shall contain the following information: 1. Full...
- 89-Sss - Training Requirements; Waiver or Exemption.
1. Every armored car guard, other than a police officer, employed by an armored car carrier shall be required to satisfactorily complete a qualified firearms...
- 89-Ttt - Annual Training; Background Checks.
1. a. In addition to the minimum firearms training required by section eighty-nine-sss of this article, each armored car guard, other than a police officer,...
- 89-Uuu - Interim Employment.
For each armored car guard employed by an armored car carrier, as of the effective date of this section, such carrier shall, at a time...
- 89-Vvv - Conditional Letter of Authority; Issuance of Registration Card; Suspension or Revocation; Renewal.
1. Upon review of the completed application required by section eighty-nine-rrr of this article and after the applicant has met the qualifications of section eighty-nine-qqq...
- 89-Www - Violations and Penalities.
89-www. Violations and penalties. 1. Any individual who is employed as an armored car guard or who acts as an armored car guard in violation...
- 89-Xxx - Preemption.
1. The provisions of this article shall exclusively govern all armored car guards notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary and further,...
- 89-Yyy - Regulations.
The secretary and commissioner, in consultation with the armored car carrier industry, are hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the...
- 89-Zzz - Separability.
In the event it is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that any phrase, clause, part, subdivision, paragraph or section, or any of the...
Last modified: February 3, 2019