1020-cc. Authority subject to certain provisions contained in the state finance law, the public service law, the social services law and the general municipal law. 1. All contracts of the authority shall be subject to the provisions of the state finance law relating to contracts made by the state. The authority shall also establish rules and regulations with respect to providing to its residential gas, electric and steam utility customers those rights and protections provided in article two and sections one hundred seventeen and one hundred eighteen of the public service law and section one hundred thirty-one-s of the social services law. The authority shall conform to any safety standards regarding manual lockable disconnect switches for solar electric generating equipment established by the public service commission pursuant to subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision five and subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of subdivision five-a of section sixty-six-j of the public service law. The authority shall let contracts for construction or purchase of supplies, materials, or equipment pursuant to section one hundred three and paragraph (e) of subdivision four of section one hundred twenty-w of the general municipal law.
2. The authority and service provider shall provide to the state comptroller on March thirty-first and September thirtieth of each year a report documenting each contract in excess of two hundred fifty thousand dollars per year entered into with a third party and related to management and operation services associated with the authority's electric transmission and distribution system, including the name of the third party, the contract term and a description of services or goods to be procured, and post such report on each of their websites. All contracts entered into between the service provider and third parties are not subject to the requirements of subdivision one of this section.
Last modified: February 3, 2019