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New York Public Authorities Law Article 5 - PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITIES
Title 1 - (1000 - 1017) Power Authority of the State of New York
Title 1-a - (1020 - 1020-Ll) Long Island Power Authority
Title 1-a* - (1020*2 - 1020-w*2) Green Island Power Authority
Title 1-b - (1021 - 1021-s) North Country Power Authority
Title 2 - (1025 - 1044) Albany Light, Heat and Power Authority
Title 2-a - (1045-a - 1045-Bb) New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority
Title 2-a* - (1046) New York City Water Board
Title 2-b - (1048-a - 1049) Buffalo Municipal Water Finance Authority
Title 3 - (1050 - 1073) Erie County Water Authority
Title 4 - (1074 - 1092) Suffolk County Water Authority
Title 5 - (1093 - 1113) Monroe County Water Authority
Title 6 - (1115 - 1115-Bb) Albany Municipal Water Finance Authority
Title 6-a - (1116 - 1118) Albany Water Board
Title 6-b - (1120 - 1120-x) Clifton Park Water Authority
Title 6-c* - (1121*2 - 1144*2) Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority
Title 6-c - (1121 - 1146) Town of Wilton Water and Sewer Authority
Title 6-d - (1147 - 1147-z) Alfred, Almond, Hornellsville Sewer Authority
Title 7 - (1150 - 1173) Onondaga County Water Authority
Title 7-a - (1174-a - 1174-s) Water Authority of Southeastern Nassau County
Title 8 - (1175 - 1195) Buffalo Sewer Authority
Title 8-a - (1196-a - 1196-r) New York State Local Water and Sewer Authority Act
Title 8-b - (1197-a - 1197-t) Water Authority of Great Neck North
Title 8-c - (1198-a - 1198-t) Water Authority of Western Nassau County
Title 8-d - (1199 - 1199-x) Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority
Title 8-e - (1199-Aa - 1199-Xx) Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority
Title 8-e* - (1199-Aa*2 - 1199-Ww*2) Orange County Water Authority
Title 8-f - (1199-Aaa - 1199-Xxx) Saratoga County Water Authority
Title 8-g - (1199-Aaaa - 1199-Zzzz) Cayuga County Water and Sewer Authority
Title 8-g* - (1199-Aaaa*2 - 1199-Yyyy*2) Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority
Title 9 - (1200 - 1221) New York City Transit Authority
Title 9-a - (1225-a - 1225-q) Transit Construction Fund
Title 10 - (1226-a - 1226-z) Upper Mohawk Valley Regional Water Finance Authority
Title 10-a - (1226-Aa - 1226-Bb) Upper Mohawk Valley Regional Water Board
Title 10-b - (1230-a - 1230-Aa) Niagara Falls Public Water Authority
Title 10-c - (1231-a - 1231-b) Niagara Falls Water Board
Title 10-d - (1232 - 1232-u) Nassau County Sewer and Storm Water Finance Authority
Title 11 - (1260 - 1279-c) Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Authority
Title 12 - (1280 - 1298) New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation
Title 11-a - (1299 - 1299-u) Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
Title 11-b - (1299-Aa - 1299-Xx) Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority
Title 11-c - (1300 - 1323) Capital District Transportation Authority
Title 11-d - (1325 - 1348) Central New York Regional Transportation Authority
Last modified: February 3, 2019