83. Agency green building construction requirements. 1. The construction of new buildings and the substantial renovation of existing buildings shall comply with such green construction requirements and procedures as shall have been established by the office in regulations pursuant to subdivision two of this section.
2. The office, in consultation with the authority, the department of environmental conservation, the department of health, the dormitory authority of the state of New York, the department of state, the department of education, the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation, and any other agency as determined by the office that may be affected by this article, shall promulgate rules and regulations establishing construction requirements and procedures necessary to implement this article, including the exceptions described in section eighty-two of this article. In establishing such requirements and procedures, the office may consult green construction requirements and procedures established or adopted by other agencies, and by private organizations, including but not limited to the United States green building council under its leadership in energy and environmental design programs, the green building initiative's green globes rating system, and the American National Standards Institute.
3. For purposes of monitoring compliance with this article and this article's effectiveness, each agency shall prepare by June thirtieth of each year an annual building performance report in such form and containing such information as the office may require, which may relate to such matters as energy consumption, waste reduction, indoor air quality, water reductions and maintenance procedures and processes. Such report shall be available to the office upon request.
Last modified: February 3, 2019