New York Public Health Law Title 2 - LICENSING AND REGISTRATION

  • 2896 - License and Registration Required.
    On and after July first, nineteen hundred seventy, no person shall practice or represent himself as a nursing home administrator unless he is licensed by...
  • 2896-a - Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators.
    1. There shall be within the department a board of examiners of nursing home administrators consisting of thirteen members appointed by the commissioner, all of...
  • 2896-b - Rules and Regulations; Powers and Duties.
    1. The board, by a majority vote, shall adopt and amend rules and regulations, to be certified by the commissioner prior to filing with the...
  • 2896-c - Qualifications of Applicants for Licensure.
    1. An applicant shall be eligible for a license as provided in this article upon payment to the department of an application fee of forty...
  • 2896-d - Examination of Applicants.
    1. Applicants for licensure as nursing home administrators shall be required to pass an examination encompassing the subject matter of the courses of study, instruction,...
  • 2896-e - Issuance of License.
    1. The board shall issue a license to practice nursing home administration to each candidate who meets the qualifications specified in section two thousand eight...
  • 2896-f - Temporary Licenses.
    The board may issue a temporary license to practice nursing home administration, under such conditions and limitations as it shall determine, for a single period...
  • 2896-g - Registration.
    1. Every licensee must register biennially with the department. The department shall mail to every person who has received a license under this article an...
  • 2896-h - Reports.
    1. Every administrator of a nursing home shall: (a) post in a sufficient number of prominent positions in the nursing home so as to be...

Last modified: February 3, 2019