New York Public Health Law Article 48 - TOXIC SUBSTANCES

  • 4800 - Applicability.
    It is the purpose of this article to ensure that employees are given information by their employers concerning the nature of toxic substances which they...
  • 4801 - Definitions.
    When used in this article: 1. "Workplace" means any location away from the home, permanent or temporary, where any employee performs any work-related duty in...
  • 4802 - Powers and Duties of the Commissioner.
    1. The commissioner or his designated representative from the department shall have the right of entry at reasonable hours into any workplace when the commissioner...
  • 4803 - Records and Reports.
    1. Upon request by the commissioner, employers shall provide to the commissioner copies of employee health and exposure records maintained and supplied to the federal...
  • 4804 - Outreach Programs.
    1. The department may develop and implement outreach programs to inform employees of their right to information regarding the toxic effects and circumstances under which...
  • 4805 - Trade Secrets.
    1. When a manufacturer, producer, formulator or employer considers the identity of or other information concerning a toxic chemical substance to be a protectable trade...
  • 4806 - Public Inquiries.
    Within the limits of any moneys appropriated therefor, the department shall process all inquiries it receives from manufacturers, importers and employers regarding the toxic effects...
  • 4808 - Separability.
    If any section, clause or provision of this article shall be unconstitutional or be ineffective in whole or in part, to the extent that it...

Last modified: February 3, 2019