- 1901 - Release of Rents Reserved by Leases in Perpetuity.
1. Any person interested in lands held under a lease in perpetuity, upon which no rent has been paid for at least twenty years, may...
- 1911 - Action to Extinguish Inchoate Right of Dower.
1. An owner of land subject to an inchoate right of dower may maintain an action in the supreme court against the possessor of such...
- 1921 - Discharge of Mortgage.
1. After payment of authorized principal, interest and any other amounts due thereunder or otherwise owed by law has actually been made, and in the...
- 1921-a - Partial Release From Lien of Mortgaged Premises.
1. Whenever the owner of mortgaged property situate in this state shall be entitled, pursuant to the terms of the mortgage encumbering such property, to...
- 1931 - Discharge of Record of Ancient Mortgages Presumed Paid.
1. The mortgagor, his heirs or any person having any interest in any lands described in any mortgage of real estate in this state, which...
- 1932 - Discharge of Record of Ancient Mortgage Where Time of Maturity is Dependent on Contingent Event Related to Use of Premises.
1. The lien of every mortgage or conveyance of real estate in this state given as security for the payment of money, recorded more than...
- 1933 - When County Clerk or Register to Discharge Mortgage of Record.
The county clerk, upon being furnished with an order discharging a mortgage of record, as provided in section 1931 or section 1932, and, in the...
- 1941 - When Special Proceeding to Quiet Title May Be Maintained.
Whenever real property shall have been conveyed by a sheriff or referee, pursuant to a judicial decree, which decree has been lost or destroyed, and...
- 1942 - Petition in Special Proceeding to Quiet Title.
1. A person or persons, desiring to institute a proceeding under section nineteen hundred forty-one, must present a petition to the supreme court at a...
- 1943 - Order for Publication of Notice to Persons Interested.
Upon the presentation of such petition, duly verified, the said court shall make an order for the publication of a notice requiring all persons claiming...
- 1944 - Hearing and Final Order Upon Non-Appearance of Adverse Claimants.
Upon the return day named in said notice the court shall proceed summarily to inquire into the truth of the matters set forth in the...
- 1945 - Hearing and Final Order Upon Appearance of Adverse Claimants.
If any person shall appear on the return day of said notice and claim in writing an interest in the real property adverse to that...
- 1946 - Notice of Pendency to Be Filed and Recorded.
No final order pursuant to section 1944 or section 1945 shall be made until the petitioners named in said proceedings, or their attorney, shall file...
- 1951 - Extinguishment of Non-Substantial Restrictions on the Use of Land.
1. No restriction on the use of land created at any time by covenant, promise or negative easement, or created on or after September 1,...
- 1953 - Effect of Certain Special Limitations and Conditions Subsequent.
1. Except as provided in subdivision 4, a special limitation or condition subsequent created on or after September 1, 1958 shall be governed by this...
- 1954 - Action to Limit Existing Possibilities of Reverter and Rights of Entry Restricting the Use of Land.
1. This section shall apply to a special limitation or condition subsequent created prior to September 1, 1958 which would be subject to section 1953...
- 1955 - Modification or Extinguishment of Certain Restrictions on the Use of Land Held for Charitable Purposes.
1. Where land is held, whether or not in trust, for benevolent, charitable, educational, public or religious purposes and the use of such land is...
Last modified: February 3, 2019