- 101 - Definitions.
As used in this article the following terms shall mean: 1. "Council" means the advisory council for technology. 2. "Director" means the director of the...
- 102 - Office of Information Technology Services; Director, Organization and Employees.
1. The office of information technology services is hereby created within the executive department to have and exercise the functions, powers and duties provided by...
- 103 - Functions, Powers and Duties of the Office.
The office shall have the following functions, powers and duties: 1. To act as the official state planning and coordinating office for the advancement of...
- 103-a - State Information Technology Innovation Center.
* 1. The director may establish a state information technology innovation center or "iCenter" to develop, pilot, and consider technology solutions to assist the state,...
- 104 - Advisory Council for Technology.
1. There shall be within the office, an advisory council for technology. The director of the office shall serve as chair of the council. The...
- 105 - Functions, Powers and Duties of the Council.
The council shall have the following functions, powers and duties: 1. To review and comment on all rules and regulations of the office; 2. To...
- 106 - Responsibility to Respond to the Freedom of Information Law for Certain Data.
Where the office receives a request for another agency's data which is in the possession of the office because it administers, operates or manages a...
- 106-a - Health Care Proxy Information.
Any state agency, board, bureau, authority, commission, division, or other governmental entity performing a governmental or proprietary function for the state that maintains a public...
- 107 - Severability.
The provisions of this article shall be severable and if any portion thereof or the applicability thereof to any person or circumstances shall be held...
Last modified: February 3, 2019