North Carolina General Statutes § 116-198.34 General powers of Board of Governors

The Board may exercise any one or more of the following powers:

(1) To determine the location and character of any project or projects, and to acquire, construct, and provide the same, and to maintain, repair, and operate, and to enter into contracts for the management, lease, use, or operation of all or any portion of any project or projects and any existing facilities.

(2) To issue revenue bonds as hereinafter provided to pay all or any part of the cost of any project or projects, and to fund or refund the same.

(3) To fix and revise from time to time and charge and collect rates, fees, rents, and charges for the use of, and for the services furnished by, all or any portion of any project or projects.

(4) To establish and enforce, and to agree through any resolution or trust agreement authorizing or securing bonds under this Article to make and enforce, rules and regulations for the use of and services rendered by any project or projects and any existing facilities, to provide for the maximum use of any project or projects and any existing facilities.

(5) (Effective until June 30, 2015) To acquire, hold, lease, and dispose of real and personal property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties hereunder and to lease all or any part of any project or projects and any existing facilities upon such terms and conditions as the Board determines, subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-341 and Chapter 146 of the General Statutes.

Notwithstanding G.S. 143-341 and Chapter 146 of the General Statutes, an acquisition for a period of 10 years or less or a disposition of 65 years or less by easement, lease, or rental agreement of real property or space in any building on the Centennial Campus, on the Horace Williams Campus, on a Millennial Campus, or on a Kannapolis Research Campus shall not require the approval of the Governor and the Council of State. The Board shall report the acquisitions or dispositions described in this paragraph of this subdivision to the Department of Administration for inclusion in the inventory maintained by Department pursuant to G.S. 143-341(4)a. and b. and the information regarding those transactions that is required by G.S. 143-341(4)a. and b. All other acquisitions and dispositions made under this subdivision for a period in excess of the terms described in this paragraph of this subdivision are subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-341 and Chapter 146 of the General Statutes.

(5) (Effective June 30, 2015) To acquire, hold, lease, and dispose of real and personal property in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties hereunder and to lease all or any part of any project or projects and any existing facilities upon such terms and conditions as the Board determines, subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-341 and Chapter 146 of the General Statutes.

Notwithstanding G.S. 143-341 and Chapter 146 of the General Statutes, a disposition by easement, lease, or rental agreement of space in any building on the Centennial Campus, on the Horace Williams Campus, or on a Millennial Campus made for a period of 10 years or less shall not require the approval of the Governor and the Council of State. All other acquisitions and dispositions made under this subdivision are subject to the provisions of G.S. 143-341 and Chapter 146 of the General Statutes.

(6) To employ consulting engineers, architects, attorneys, accountants, construction and financial experts, superintendents, managers, and such other employees and agents as may be necessary in its judgment in connection with any project or projects and existing facilities, and to fix their compensation.

(7) To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this Article.

(8) To receive and accept from any federal, State, or other public agency and any private agency, person or other entity donations, loans, grants, aid, or contributions of any money, property, labor, or other things of value for any project or projects, and to agree to apply and use the same in accordance with the terms and conditions under which the same are provided.

(8a) To designate the real property and appurtenant facilities to be included as part of the Centennial Campus, the Horace Williams Campus, or a Millennial Campus.

(8b) Acting on recommendation made by the President of The University of North Carolina after consultation by the President with the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees of a constituent institution, to designate real property held by, or to be acquired by, a constituent institution as a "Millennial Campus" of the institution. That designation shall be based on an express finding by the Board of Governors that the institution desiring to create a "Millennial Campus" has the administrative and fiscal capability to create and maintain such a campus and provided further, that the Board of Governors has found that the creation of the constituent institution's "Millennial Campus" will enhance the institution's research, teaching, and service missions as well as enhance the economic development of the region served by the institution. Upon formal request by the constituent institutions, the Board of Governors may authorize two or more constituent institutions which meet the requirements of this section to create a joint Millennial Campus.

(9) To do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers granted by this Article. (1987, c. 336, s. 1; 1998-159, s. 3; 1999-234, s. 5; 2000-177, s. 6; 2012-142, s. 9.10(b); 2013-360, s. 11.10(a), (b); 2013-363, s. 3.12.)

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Last modified: March 23, 2014