(a) The membership eligibility of the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan shall consist of any of the following who voluntarily elect to enroll:
(1) Members of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System; and
(2) Members of the Consolidated Judicial Retirement System; and
(3) Members of the Legislative Retirement System; and
(4) Members of the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System; and
(5) Law enforcement officers as defined under G.S. 143-166.30 and G.S. 143-166.50; and
(6) Participants in the Optional Retirement Program provided for under G.S. 135-5.1; and
(7) Members of retirement and pension plans sponsored by political subdivisions of the State so long as such plans are qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended from time to time.
(b) The membership of any person in the Supplemental Retirement Income Plan shall cease upon:
(1) The withdrawal of a member's accumulated account; or
(2) Retirement under the provisions of the Supplemental Income Retirement Plan; or
(3) Death. (1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 975; 1985, c. 403, s. 2; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 948, s. 1.)
Sections: Previous 135-74 135-75 135-75.1 135-75.1A 135-75.2 135-90 135-91 135-92 135-93 135-94 135-95 135-96 135-97 135-100 135-101 Next
Last modified: March 23, 2014