Ohio Revised Code § 307.151 - Agreement With Municipalities For Control Of Air And Water Pollution.

The board of county commissioners may enter into an agreement with the legislative authority of any municipal corporation, and such legislative authority may enter into agreements with the board, whereby the legislative authority undertakes, and is authorized by the board of county commissioners to provide for facilities, personnel, and equipment for the control of air and water pollution, and to render such other services for such board of county commissioners as provided in the agreement. The contracting parties shall be bound by the terms, conditions, and stipulations as contained in the agreement. The municipal corporation may exercise any power, perform any function, or render any service on behalf of the board of county commissioners in carrying out the provisions of this section that the board of county commissioners may exercise, perform, or render.

Effective Date: 09-27-1963

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Last modified: October 10, 2016