Ohio Revised Code § 307.23 - Historical Society Appropriations.

The board of county commissioners of any county may appropriate, out of the revenue fund not otherwise appropriated, money to be paid to the historical society of the county or to local societies for the preservation and restoration of historic and archaeological sites located in the county. The money may be used for the promotion of historical work within the borders of the county, for the restoration or reconstruction of historic buildings, for the collection, preservation, and publication of historical material, to disseminate historical information of the county, and in general to defray the expense of carrying on historical work in the county. Other than for the restoration or reconstruction of historic buildings, funds appropriated under this section may not be used for the construction of buildings. No board may appropriate any funds for the benefit of any county historical society or preservation and restoration society unless such society is incorporated not for profit under the laws of this state. Application for the funds shall be made in the form of a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the applicant society.

Effective Date: 03-14-2003

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Last modified: October 10, 2016