Ohio Revised Code § 307.6910 - Operation Of Veterans Memorial And Museum.

(A) A new nonprofit corporation shall be organized under the laws of this state for the purpose of operating a veterans memorial and museum to be located within the city of Columbus at the site described in division (B) of this section.

(B) The site of the veterans memorial and museum, shall be constructed on the following parcel of real property owned in fee simple by the board of county commissioners of Franklin county:

That property located at 300 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, generally lying north of Broad Street, south of the right-of-way line of Norfolk and Southern Railway, west of the Scioto River and its floodwall, and east of the east line of Belle Street if the same extended north of Broad Street to the railroad right-of-way.

(C) The bylaws of the new nonprofit corporation shall provide for the board of directors to consist of fifteen members. The appointments to the board of directors shall be made in accordance with the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the nonprofit corporation. All appointments to the board of directors shall satisfy any qualifications set forth in the nonprofit corporation's bylaws. A majority of the members of the board of directors appointed by each appointing entity shall be veterans of the armed forces of the United States. The appointments shall be made as follows:

(1) The board of county commissioners of Franklin county shall appoint five members.

(2) The articles of incorporation shall provide for the remaining appointments, not to exceed ten, the majority of whom shall be veterans of the armed forces of the United States.

(D) All meetings and records of the new nonprofit corporation shall be conducted and maintained in accordance with the sunshine laws of this state, including, but not limited to, sections 121.22 and 149.43 of the Revised Code.

(E) The board of county commissioners of Franklin county may lease the site described in division (B) of this section together with any adjacent property, without engaging in competitive bidding, to an Ohio nonprofit corporation for the construction, development, and operation of the veterans memorial and museum. A board of county commissioners may appropriate funds to either the nonprofit corporation established as provided in this section or the nonprofit corporation with which the county has leased the property for permanent improvements and operating expenses of the veterans memorial and museum.

Added by 130th General Assembly File No. TBD, HB 483, ยง101.01, eff. 9/15/2014.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016