Ohio Revised Code § 3319.113 - Standards-based State Framework For Evaluation Of School Counselors.

(A) Not later than May 31, 2016, the state board of education shall develop a standards-based state framework for the evaluation of school counselors. The state board may update the framework periodically by adoption of a resolution. The framework shall establish an evaluation system that does the following:

(1) Requires school counselors to demonstrate their ability to produce positive student outcomes using metrics, including those from the school or school district's report card issued under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code when appropriate;

(2) Is aligned with the standards for school counselors adopted under section 3319.61 of the Revised Code and requires school counselors to demonstrate their ability in all the areas identified by those standards;

(3) Requires that all school counselors be evaluated annually, except as otherwise appropriate for high-performing school counselors;

(4) Assigns a rating on each evaluation in accordance with division (B) of this section;

(5) Designates the personnel that may conduct evaluations of school counselors in accordance with this framework;

(6) Requires that each school counselor be provided with a written report of the results of that school counselor's evaluation;

(7) Provides for professional development to accelerate and continue school counselor growth and provide support to poorly performing school counselors.


(1) The state board shall develop specific standards and criteria that distinguish between the following levels of performance for school counselors for the purposes of assigning ratings on the evaluations conducted under this section:

(a) Accomplished;

(b) Skilled;

(c) Developing;

(d) Ineffective.

(2) The state board shall consult with experts, school counselors and principals employed in public schools, and representatives of stakeholder groups in developing the standards and criteria required by division (B)(1) of this section.


(1) Not later than September 30, 2016, each school district board of education shall adopt a standards-based school counselor evaluation policy that conforms with the framework for the evaluation of school counselors developed under this section. The policy shall become operative at the expiration of any collective bargaining agreement covering school counselors employed by the board that is in effect on the effective date of this section and shall be included in any renewal or extension of such an agreement.

(2) A district board shall include both of the following in its evaluation policy:

(a) The implementation of the framework for the evaluation of school counselors developed under this section beginning in the 2016-2017 school year;

(b) Procedures for using the evaluation results, beginning in the 2017-2018 school year, for both of the following:

(i) Decisions regarding retention and promotion of school counselors;

(ii) Removal of poorly performing school counselors.

(D) Each district board shall annually submit a report to the department of education, in a form and manner prescribed by the department, regarding its implementation of division (C) of this section. At no time shall the department permit or require that the name or personally identifiable information of any school counselor be reported to the department under this division.

(E) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, the requirements of this section prevail over any conflicting provision of a collective bargaining agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this section.

Added by 131st General Assembly File No. TBD, HB 64, ยง101.01, eff. 9/29/2015.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016