Oregon Statutes - Chapter 131 - Preliminary Provisions; Limitations; Jurisdiction; Venue; Criminal Forfeiture; Crime Prevention - Section 131.225 - Exceptions.

(1) Unless in the statute defining the offense a legislative intent clearly appears to declare the conduct criminal, regardless of the place of the result, ORS 131.215 (1) does not apply if:

(a) Either causing a specified result or an intent to cause or danger of causing that result is an element of an offense; and

(b) The result occurs or is designed or likely to occur only in another jurisdiction where the conduct charged would not constitute an offense.

(2) ORS 131.215 (1) does not apply if causing a particular result is an element of an offense and the result is caused by conduct occurring outside this state that would not constitute an offense if the result had occurred there, unless the actor intentionally or knowingly caused the result within this state. [1973 c.836 §11]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008