Oregon Statutes - Chapter 179 - Administration of State Institutions - Section 179.321 - Responsibility to supervise state institutions.

(1) The Department of Human Services shall operate, control, manage and supervise the Blue Mountain Recovery Center, the Eastern Oregon Training Center and the Oregon State Hospital.

(2) The Department of Corrections shall operate, control, manage and supervise those institutions defined as Department of Corrections institutions in ORS 421.005. [1965 c.616 §79 (enacted in lieu of 179.320); 1969 c.597 §38; 1971 c.212 §5; 1971 c.301 §16; 1971 c.401 §82; 1983 c.505 §12; 1983 c.740 §43; 1987 c.320 §118; 2001 c.900 §35; 2007 c.14 §4]

Section:  Previous  179.210  179.220  179.230  179.240  179.250  179.310  179.320  179.321  179.323  179.325  179.330  179.331  179.340  179.350  179.360  Next

Last modified: August 7, 2008