Oregon Statutes - Chapter 279B - Public Contracting - Public Procurements - Section 279B.120 - Prequalification of prospective bidders and proposers.

(1) A contracting agency may prequalify prospective bidders or proposers to submit bids or proposals for public contracts to provide particular types of goods or services. The method of submitting prequalification applications, the information required in order to be prequalified and the forms to be used for submitting prequalification information shall be determined by the contracting agency unless otherwise prescribed by rule adopted by the Director of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services or the local contract review board.

(2) The contracting agency shall, in response to the receipt of a prequalification application submitted under subsection (1) of this section, notify the prospective bidder or proposer whether the prospective bidder or proposer is qualified based on the standards of responsibility listed in ORS 279B.110 (2), the type and nature of contracts that the prospective bidder or proposer is qualified to compete for and the time period for which the prequalification is valid. If the contracting agency does not prequalify a prospective bidder or proposer as to any contracts covered by the prequalification process, the notice must specify which of the standards of responsibility listed in ORS 279B.110 (2) the prospective bidder or proposer failed to meet. Unless the reasons are specified, the prospective bidder or proposer shall be deemed to have been prequalified in accordance with the application.

(3) If a contracting agency subsequently discovers that a prospective bidder or proposer that prequalified under subsections (1) and (2) of this section is no longer qualified, the agency may revoke the prequalification upon reasonable notice to the prospective bidder or proposer, except that a revocation is invalid as to any contract for which an advertisement for bids or proposals has already been issued. [2003 c.794 §61]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008