Oregon Statutes - Chapter 285A - Economic Development I - Section 285A.152 - Fujian Sister State Committee authority; duty.

(1) The Fujian Sister State Committee established under ORS 285A.148 may:

(a) Organize activities for and host visiting delegations from Fujian Province;

(b) Organize activities for and participate in delegations visiting Fujian Province and China;

(c) Provide for the exchange of information between the State of Oregon and Fujian Province;

(d) Work with representatives of Fujian Province on joint projects; and

(e) Take all actions necessary to facilitate and promote relations between the State of Oregon and Fujian Province.

(2) The Fujian Sister State Committee shall visit Fujian Province at least biennially for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives described in subsection (1) of this section. [2007 c.246 §4]

Note: See note under 285A.148.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008