Oregon Statutes - Chapter 312 - Foreclosure of Property Tax Liens - Section 312.290 - Sale of property on which there are unpaid assessments applicable to defaulted bonds of a city or town.

If a city or town has defaulted in payment of its outstanding bonds or interest thereon, or has refunded any such defaulted bonds, and real property on which there are unpaid special assessments applicable to the defaulted or refunded bonds, has been acquired by the county through foreclosure for delinquent taxes, the county court or board of county commissioners may sell such property, without notice of any kind, to the city or town on payment in cash of the total amount of all taxes levied by the state and applying to the property at the time of its conveyance to the county on foreclosure for delinquent taxes. Each such sale to a city or town shall be within the discretionary authority of the county court or board of county commissioners and shall be in addition to all other provisions of law for the resale of property acquired by a county on foreclosure for delinquent taxes. In making any such sale to a city or town, the county court or board of county commissioners shall have full authority to act for all municipal corporations, taxing districts or political subdivisions of the county interested in such taxes.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008