Oregon Statutes - Chapter 348 - Student Aid; Education Stability Fund; Planning - Section 348.005 - Policy on student financial aid.

(1) The Legislative Assembly finds that:

(a) The State of Oregon can achieve its full economic and social potential only if all Oregonians have the opportunity to contribute to the full extent of their capabilities and only when financial barriers to their educational goals are removed;

(b) All Oregonians who meet the appropriate admissions requirements should be able to attend any community college, state institution of higher education or independent not-for-profit institution of post-secondary education regardless of individual economic or social circumstances;

(c) The interests of this state are best served when public subsidies supporting college students are distributed fairly, equitably and consciously to ensure maximum access and choice for all Oregonians at the least cost to the taxpayers;

(d) Need-based student financial aid is an effective, efficient and essential means of assisting Oregonians who are unable to afford the full cost of higher education;

(e) Student financial aid allows Oregonians with limited resources to select academic programs based on their interests, aptitudes and career goals;

(f) Student financial aid encourages and permits capable and promising Oregonians to persist in their education and training within this state; and

(g) By assisting Oregonians in this manner, student financial aid contributes to the quality of life of each Oregonian and to the social, cultural and economic well-being of all Oregonians.

(2) It is the intention of the Legislative Assembly to establish financial assistance programs to enable qualified Oregonians who need student aid to obtain post-secondary education in Oregon’s community colleges, state institutions of higher education or independent not-for-profit institutions of post-secondary education. [1993 c.239 §1; 2005 c.22 §242]

Section:  348.005  348.010  348.040  348.050  348.060  348.070  348.080  348.090  348.095  348.105  348.115  348.117  348.120  348.125  348.130  Next

Last modified: August 7, 2008