Oregon Statutes - Chapter 426 - Persons With Mental Illness; Sexually Dangerous Persons - Section 426.160 - Record of proceedings.

The judge shall cause to be recorded in the court records a full account of proceedings had at all hearings and examinations conducted pursuant to ORS 426.005, 426.060 to 426.170, 426.217, 426.228, 426.255 to 426.292, 426.300 to 426.309, 426.335, 426.385 and 426.395, together with the judgments and orders of the court and a copy of the orders issued. The account of the proceedings and transcripts of testimony if taken thereat shall be delivered to the court clerk or court administrator who shall cause it to be sealed and neither the account of the proceedings nor the transcript of testimony if taken shall be disclosed to any person except:

(1) As provided in ORS 426.070 (5)(c), 426.130 (3) or 426.170;

(2) Upon request of the person subject to the proceedings, the legal representatives, or the attorney of the person; or

(3) Pursuant to court order. [Amended by 1965 c.420 §1; 1969 c.148 §1; 1973 c.838 §21; 1993 c.223 §11; 1993 c.484 §19; 1995 c.498 §3]

Section:  Previous  426.125  426.127  426.130  426.135  426.140  426.150  426.155  426.160  426.170  426.175  426.180  426.190  426.200  426.210  426.215  Next

Last modified: August 7, 2008