Oregon Statutes - Chapter 468A - Air Quality - Section 468A.070 - Measurement and testing of contamination sources; rules.

(1) Pursuant to rules adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission, the Department of Environmental Quality shall establish a program for measurement and testing of contamination sources and may perform such sampling or testing or may require any person in control of an air contamination source to perform the sampling or testing, subject to the provisions of subsections (2) to (4) of this section. Whenever samples of air or air contaminants are taken by the department for analysis, a duplicate of the analytical report shall be furnished promptly to the person owning or operating the air contamination source.

(2) The department may require any person in control of an air contamination source to provide necessary holes in stacks or ducts and proper sampling and testing facilities, as may be necessary and reasonable for the accurate determination of the nature, extent, quantity and degree of air contaminants which are emitted as the result of operation of the source.

(3) All sampling and testing shall be conducted in accordance with methods used by the department or equivalent methods of measurement acceptable to the department.

(4) All sampling and testing performed under this section shall be conducted in accordance with applicable safety rules and procedures established by law. [Formerly 449.702 and then 468.340]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008