Oregon Statutes - Chapter 469 - Energy; Conservation Programs; Energy Facilities - Section 469.611 - Emergency preparedness and response program; radiation emergency response team; training.

Notwithstanding ORS chapter 401:

(1) The Director of the State Department of Energy shall coordinate emergency preparedness and response with appropriate agencies of government at the local, state and national levels to ensure that the response to a radioactive material transportation accident is swift and appropriate to minimize damage to any person, property or wildlife. This program shall include the preparation of localized plans setting forth agency responsibilities for on-scene response.

(2) The director shall:

(a) Apply for federal funds as available to train, equip and maintain an appropriate response capability at the state and local level; and

(b) Request all available training and planning materials.

(3) The Department of Human Services shall maintain a trained and equipped radiation emergency response team available at all times for dispatch to any radiological emergency. Before arrival of the team at the scene of a radiological accident, the Director of the State Department of Energy may designate other technical advisors to work with the local response agencies.

(4) The Department of Human Services shall assist the Director of the State Department of Energy to ensure that all emergency services organizations along major transport routes for radioactive materials are offered training and retraining in the proper procedures for identifying and dealing with a radiological accident pending the arrival of persons with technical expertise. The Department of Human Services shall report annually to the Director of the State Department of Energy on training of emergency response personnel. [1981 c.707 §9; 1983 c.586 §44; 1989 c.6 §7; 2003 c.186 §39; 2007 c.71 §151]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008