Oregon Statutes - Chapter 63 - Limited Liability Companies - Section 63.737 - Grounds for revocation.

The Secretary of State may commence a proceeding under ORS 63.741 to revoke the authority of a foreign limited liability company to transact business in this state if:

(1) The foreign limited liability company does not deliver its annual report to the Secretary of State within the time prescribed by this chapter;

(2) The foreign limited liability company does not pay within the time prescribed by this chapter any fees imposed by this chapter;

(3) The foreign limited liability company has failed to appoint or maintain a registered agent or registered office in this state as prescribed by this chapter;

(4) The foreign limited liability company does not inform the Secretary of State under ORS 63.724 or 63.727 that its registered agent or registered office has changed, that its registered agent has resigned or that its registered office has been discontinued;

(5) An organizer, manager, member or agent of the foreign limited liability company signed a document knowing it was false in any material respect with intent that the document be delivered to the office for filing;

(6) The foreign limited liability company no longer satisfies the requirements of ORS 63.714 (3);

(7) The Secretary of State receives a duly authenticated certificate from the official having custody of the limited liability company records in the state or country under whose law the foreign limited liability company is organized stating that it has been dissolved or has ceased to exist as the result of a merger or other reorganization transaction; or

(8) The period of duration of the foreign limited liability company expires. [1993 c.173 §86]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008