Oregon Statutes - Chapter 63 - Limited Liability Companies - Section 63.781 - Court-ordered inspection.

(1) If a limited liability company does not allow a member to inspect and copy any records required to be available for inspection, the circuit court of the county where the limited liability company’s principal office is located, or, if the principal office is not in this state, where its registered office is or was last located, may summarily order inspection and copying of the records demanded at the company’s expense upon application of the member.

(2) If a limited liability company does not within a reasonable time allow a member to inspect and copy any other record, the member may apply to the circuit court in the county where the company’s principal office is located, or, if the principal office is not in this state, where its registered office is or was last located, for an order to permit inspection and copying of the records demanded.

(3) If the court orders inspection and copying of the records demanded, it shall also order the limited liability company to pay the member’s costs, including reasonable counsel fees, incurred to obtain the order unless the company proves that it refused inspection in good faith because it had a reasonable basis for doubt about the right of the member to inspect the records demanded.

(4) If the court orders inspection and copying of the records demanded, it may impose reasonable restrictions on the use or distribution of the records by the demanding member.

(5) No order shall be issued under this section without notice to the limited liability company at least five days in advance of the time specified for the hearing unless a different period is fixed by the court. The member’s request shall be set for hearing at the earliest possible time and shall take precedence over all matters, except matters of the same character and hearings on preliminary injunctions under ORCP 79 B(3). [1993 c.173 §98]


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Last modified: August 7, 2008