Oregon Statutes - Chapter 678 - Nurses; Nursing Home Administrators - Section 678.340 - Requirements for institutions desiring to establish nursing education programs.

(1) Any institution desiring to establish a nursing education program leading to licensing or a continuing education program that may be recognized or required by the Oregon State Board of Nursing to supplement such program shall apply to the board and submit satisfactory evidence that it is prepared to meet the curricula and standards prescribed by the board.

(2) In considering applications under subsection (1) of this section the board shall review statewide needs for nursing education programs or supplementary programs, financial resources of the institution making application, its clinical resources and its ability to retain qualified faculty.

(3) No institution or program shall represent itself as qualified or accredited to prepare nurses for licensing unless it is accredited by the board. [Amended by 1973 c.584 §18]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008