For the purposes of this section, “fishing derby” or “derby” means a multiday, multistate angling event held in Oregon as a fund-raiser.
(2) An organizer of a fishing derby shall register the time and location of the derby with the State Marine Board if the organizer intends to use a guide registered or licensed in a state other than Oregon. Each derby registration shall be accompanied by a fee of $50.
(3) The board may, by permit, exempt a registered fishing derby from the outfitter and guide registration requirements under ORS 704.020 upon application to the board by the organizer of the derby. The board may place conditions on the exemption, including but not limited to the identification of outfitters and guides who are registered or licensed in a state other than Oregon, the display of guide boat numbers and the display of derby credentials by participants.
(4) A violation of any provision of this section shall result in the revocation of the exemption described in subsection (3) of this section and the denial of a future exemption for one year from the date of violation. [2001 c.183 §2]
Section: Previous 704.020 704.021 704.023 704.025 704.030 704.035 704.040 704.045 704.050 704.060 704.065 704.070 704.500 704.510 704.520 NextLast modified: August 7, 2008