Oregon Statutes - Chapter 733 - Accounting and Investments - Section 733.640 - Lending funds; limitations on loans.

(1) Funds of an insurer may be invested in loans secured by pledges of obligations and stocks eligible for investment under ORS 733.510 to 733.780. As of the date the loan is made, it shall not exceed in amount 80 percent of the market value of the collateral pledged. No such loan shall be made for the purpose of providing funds to purchase or carry stocks registered on a national securities exchange.

(2) Funds of an insurer may be invested in loans secured by personal property or fixtures if such loan is:

(a) In connection with a loan on the security of real property or a leasehold as provided in ORS 733.580 or 733.600;

(b) In an amount not exceeding 20 percent of the amount loaned on the real property or leasehold;

(c) For a term of not more than five years;

(d) Secured by a security interest which constitutes a first lien, except for taxes not then delinquent, on tangible, permanent personal property of the borrower kept and used on the premises, other than stocks of goods held for sale or transfer in the ordinary course of business or items which by normal use will be consumed or depleted during the period of the loan; and

(e) In an amount, the ratio of which to the value of the security does not exceed the ratio of the companion loan to the value of the real property or leasehold.

(3) Funds of an insurer may be loaned to its own life insurance policyholder upon the security of such life insurance policy. The loan shall not exceed the cash value of the policy. [Formerly 738.285]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008