Oregon Statutes - Chapter 735 - Alternative Insurance - Section 735.728 - Subsidies limited to funds appropriated; enrollment restrictions.

(1) Notwithstanding eligibility criteria and subsidy amounts established pursuant to ORS 735.720 to 735.740, subsidies shall be provided only to the extent the Legislative Assembly specifically appropriates funds to provide such assistance.

(2) The Office of Private Health Partnerships shall prohibit or limit enrollment in the Family Health Insurance Assistance Program to ensure that program expenditures are within legislatively appropriated amounts. Prohibitions or limitations allowed under this section may include but are not limited to:

(a) Lowering the allowable income level necessary to qualify as an eligible individual; and

(b) Establishing a waiting list of eligible individuals who shall receive subsidies only when sufficient funds are available. [Formerly 653.820; 2005 c.744 ยง27]

Note: See note under 735.720.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008