(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section and ORS 735.710, the Office of Private Health Partnerships may not disclose information provided to the office as part of an application for enrollment in the Family Health Insurance Assistance Program.
(2) The office may exchange information provided to the office with other state and federal agencies for the purposes of verifying eligibility for the program, improving provision of services and identifying economic trends relevant to administration of the program.
(3) In accordance with applicable state and federal law, the office may require applicants to provide their Social Security numbers and use those numbers in the administration of the program. [Formerly 653.830; 2005 c.744 §30]
Note: See note under 735.720.
Section: Previous 735.720 735.722 735.724 735.726 735.728 735.730 735.731 735.732 735.733 735.734 735.736 735.738 735.740 735.750 735.752 NextLast modified: August 7, 2008